♡Part 1♡

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✩Cat Form✩

I was sleeping on Mari's lap when I hear a big BEEP BEEP BEEP

"GAH!! It's the first day of school!! Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no NOT AGAIN!" Mari yells with anxiety. School? I've seen her stress out about it but not this much.

"My first day of 7th grade ALAREADY GOING DOWNHILL!" She yells "Oh Yuki, what am I gonna do?" she looks at me with desperate eyes, I meow "You cutie" She pats my head gently with a big smile, and says she has to go to school, I didn't know summer was over THAT fast! I'm gonna miss Mari, she's my best (and only) friend. She wasn't going to spend a lot of time with me? What if she gets another cat? What if she forgets about me and doesn't feed me, or give me tickles like she does? No no no! She still loves me! As she gets ready she puts her favorite shirt, what seems to be comfortable pants, and her black Converse. She looked great! Her mom tells her to hurry up. She drinks her coffee really quickly and she's off. As I watch her from the window she blows me a kiss and waves good-bye

~7 hours later~

I was sleeping on the sofa when I hear a the front door open.

"Hey Yuki, I'm back!" She says. I get up, stretch, and I go running to her. I meow in excitement and she pats me on the head gently "I missed you too, I have a bit of homework so let me do it first, then we'll play! Okay?" Homework? What's that? I hear dogs like to eat homework! She gets out a book, a pencil, and.. something I haven't seen before. I go up to her and she says "We all got these agendas! aren't they cool? We have to write our homework, and important stuff!" She shows me and I see she wrote A LOT for today "I wrote your birthday as well" wow that's my 13th birthday! (64 in cat years)

✩Human Form✩

"That's so cool!" I exclaimed "Can I see more?" I look at Mari and her face went colorless "Umm.. Are you okay?" I asked I look at my paw and realized it wasn't a paw. It was a hand. I facepalm and look at Mari, which was now hiding under the bed. I look under the bed and she's shivering "Mari?" She looks at me "W-w-who are y-you?" She says stammering, "I'm Yuki"

"You aren't Yuki!"

"Yes, I am Let me explain!!"

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