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~Taehyung P.O.V~ ~At the park~

    I sit quietly on the swings and watch close to no people pass me. Some giving me weird looks, others look at me out of pity, and most look at me with disgust written across their faces and in their eyes. 

        What's so wrong with me to have all of them looking at me and judging me like they know everything about me, Huh? 

     I get up from the swing and walk over to the bridge with a pool of water under it, imagining how wonderful it would be to jump into it. How with just one move, all of my pain would go away and no one would be able to judge me anymore. How I would be free. All my thoughts would be gone. No one would be able to use me. I would just simply be nothing but air. 

       The world would probably be better of without me anyways...

     I think as I stand on top of the bridge to get a closer look at the water and the beauty held

   ~ Jungkook P.O.V~ 

       "Eomma, Appa! I'm going out with Namjoon!"

       "Ok, Kookie! Have fun and be back by 11!" My Appa said.  He's such a worry wart. I love them though.

       I start to walk over to Namjoons house. It's only about a 10 minute walk, so it's not that far. The only thing I find creepy about walking all the way there is the park I have to stop by. Some people think it's haunted while others think it's just plain creepy. That park gives me the chills.

     I knock on the door and someone answers it immediately. I was surprised to see a little girl answer other than Namjoon because he lives alone. 

    "Hello, do you need anything sir?"

   "Umm... Yeah, actually. I'm looking for Namjoon."

   "OHH! Are you Kookie?!"

   "Yes actually." I say and awkwardly laugh after I'm done speaking.

     "Hyung never said anything about anyone coming here... but he's not home at the moment. Is there anything I can help you with?"

     "No thanks. But can I ask you a question?"


     "Are you home alone? Are you even old enough to be home alone??"

    "Yah! I'm 14. I'm old enough to be home alone..."

    "Oh. Why are you here? The last time I talked to him about it, Namjoon Hyung lived alone."

     "I'm his niece. I have to stay here for a week or two because my omma and appa are out on vacation."

     "Ohhh... well that's new information haha. Well when Namjoon hyung gets home, can you  tell him to text me or something?? And let him know I was here of course."


"Okay, thanks....uh"


"Thanks Haeun."

"No problem. Come by another time Jungkook-ah."

"Will do. Bye Haeun."


    Wonder where he went off to...
    I start walking down the road, immediately thanking myself for being smart enough to put on a jacket because most times I forget to or I feel like I have no need for one(This is me rn tho😂 I always have a jacket on and my mom will yell at me for not wearing something heavier but coats make me Feel fat lmao. Annyyywayyyssss back to the story.)
      I'm about to pass the park when I see someone standing on a bridge. I immediately dash to the person without a second thought of who it is and what they were doing.

   ~Taehyung's P.O.V~
     I panic when I feel Someone hug me from behind, my heart rate increasing. 

     "What the fuck!?" The person shouts. "W-What is wrong with you??"

      My body collapsed under the pressure of the person holding me from behind. "Everything." I whisper with unshed tears accumulating in my eyes. "Absolutely everything." I say quieter this time, as my vision went pitch black.

~Jungkook's P.O.V~

When I feel more weight on my chest, I start to freak out even more. I look down to see him passed out. I check his pockets for anything. A phone, or something. When I find his phone I immediately go to his contacts and click on the first name I see.

*Ring*~ *Ring* *Ring*

Someone picks up. 

"Hello? Tae? are you alright?"

"Hello!? Who is this??"

"Who are you?? Where is Taehyung!?" The person on the phone asks, freaking out.

"Help!!! H-He passed out on top of me! He was t-t-trying to jump off of a bridge and I-"

"Ohhhh my god!!! Yoongi! Wake up!! We have to go to the hospital NOW!!" I hear him yell out to someone on the phone. "And you!! call the ambulance! Text me what hospital he's at!!"

Oh-u-umm...Okay?" I say and he hangs up and I dial 119."


"119, what's your emergency?"

"U-Ummm... my friend just passed out and I don't know what's wrong with him!!" I say trying not to panic. Turns out that is SUPER hard.

"Okay sir, stay calm. Where are you?"

"I-I-I can't!!! I don't know?!" I yell looking around. blueberry street; says the sign across the road. "I-I'm across blueberry street?? I'm at a damn park for FUCKS SAKE!!"

"Sir, I really need you to calm down. We have an ambulance on the way. We'll send you to the nearest hospital."

"Which is???!!???"

"blueberry hospital. They are on there way now." She says and hangs up. I text the guy that Iand tell him which hospital that the guy is going too.

923 words

Authors note: Hello people who bother to read this...  *cough*No one*cough* *cough*

My funeral is coming up and plummy24 is hosting it.  Just wanted to let you all *cough (again)* Still no one *cough* know.  Y'know?  Just in case someone actually wanted to attend... 🙃🙃🙃


R. I. A.

Subby diseased broski chicken cow moo crippled spider

Born: when people got common sense *cough* *cough* never *cough*

Died: June whatever the date is

Cause of death: That stupid spider

Wordy thing that they always put at the end for some reason:
Broski Chicken will be severely missed *cough* not.  That made me laugh. *cough* *cough* by all of her friends *cough* barely anyone *cough* and family.  We will all miss her talking about and too her cats.  *cough* *cough* Nottt *cough* May you R. I. A.  Subby diseased broski chicken cow moo crippled spider.
Thank you for your time, and you may all *cough* who???  *cough* go and enjoy the rest of your evening.

Sorry for all the coughing btw

I think I might have a cold.

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