Eighth Chapter : Princess Lisanna was the attacker ?

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Hope you all enjoy the eighth chapter ^0^ 

I hope you all like the song i have uploaed with this chapter , 

Kokuhaku , By SuperCell . 


Normal POV

" I don't care if you are a slave ! I love you for who you are .. your sweet smile and you don't just care about yourself , you care for all the people around you too " Natsu said while smiling at the Lucy . 

Lucy then smiled back ... " I Lov- " But before she could finish her sentence , someone burst thorough the door . It was Princess Lisanna " Lucy can i speak to you outside quickly! " Lisanna said while holding her left arm . Lucy slowly walked outside knowing what was going to happen . 

When Lucy closed the door behind herself Lisanna pushed her towards a wall . " I Told you not to talk to him ! " Lisanna said quietly but nearly shouting . " Wait Princess why are you holding your left arm ? What happen ? " Lucy asked quite worried

" None of your business + why would you care you was the one that injured it ! " Lisanna said but this time she shouted . Suddenly the infirmary door opened " Luce get away from her she was the attacker ! " Natsu shouted while standing in front of Lucy . 

" What don't be silly Natsu ! " Lucy said quite confused . " Luce .. remember when you injured the cloaked person that entered your room " Natsu asked 

" Yeah i hit it with a plate on its left ar- " Lucy then stood their scared . Lucy had then noticed she was holding her left arm and blood was spilling out . " So i guess you found out ! " Lisanna said with a creepy smile on her face . " Now your both going to die ... Since Natsu your dieing bit my bit ... Because the sword i stabbed you with was coated in poison ! " Lisanna said while giving them a creepy laugh . 

Suddenly Natsu dropped to the floor . " The poison is now working on its job .. So you LucyHearfillia is now going to die ! " Lisanna said while pulling a sword out of nowhere and running up to Lucy and trying to stab her . Lucy dogged a couple of attacks until Lucy got tired and started to attack with her magic . Celestial Sword Lucy chanted . Then Lucys hands started to glow and a sword appears in her hands

" Its not going to be that easy Lisanna ! " Lucy said while running up to Lisanna and attacking her . " Um mm interesting .. iv never fought with anyone with Celestial Magic . " Lisanna said " Well Its your first and last time your gonna see it ! " Lucy said while attacking Lisanna again but Lisanna just dogged it . " Well Lucy your in bad luck because i have TakeDemon Magic " Lisanna said

" Well actually its you that's in bad luck because i know all your weakness ! " Lucy said while smiling and chanting Celestial Bow and arrow " Because i know you can only summon swords and not bows and arrows so you can not attack from a far distance ! " Lucy said while aiming at Lisanna . Lisanna was in shock " How did you know ? " Lisanna asked , still not moving . " Remember when you killed my best friend + your sister , you do know she had TakeDemon Magic too " Lucy said while now shooting the arrow . It suddenly hit Lisanna and she fell to the floor . 

Lucy quickly ran up to Natsu who was on the floor . " Natsu we need to quickly get away before Lisanna wakes back up ! " Lucy said while trying to carry Natsu . " I knew you wouldn't kill her " Natsu said while giving Lucy a week smile before coughing up more blood . " Natsu ! " Lucy said ...... " Natsu I'm going to cast this spell on you but i may not be here after to wake up .. " Lucy said while a painful expression on her face.


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter , their were lots of nalu moments for all you here , remember to vote and comment and if possible i would love you to follow me ! 

Thanks Mina 


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