Chapter 2

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"Bye Molly, be careful on your trip and have fun" mom said while kissing me on the cheek. "Oh mom, I'll surely have fun" i replied. It was probably going to be the best part of life.

I went up to the bus and took a seat in the middle. I looked at my mom and brother and waved at them to say goodbye.

My dad couldn't come cause he needs to finish his work so all of them will go together for the trip later. I took my headset from my bag and listened to kpop music.

I can say that I'm a multi fandom. I support many groups but I'm just more on into bts for years. While listening to the soothing sounds, i didnt know i drifted to sleep.

"To Manila,  to Manila!!!" I woke up from my sleep. I looked around and almost all the passengers are going down, guess that was my cue to leave as well.

I texted my best friend Alice to meet me at the entrance of the moa arena while still on ride by the cab. She actually slept with a camping tent last night because like me, she was just as excited.

"Here we are" the driver said. I took out my money and gave the exact amount then went out to find my friend. It was easy to find her due to the fact that she's so tall.

"Alice!!" I shouted. She turned around and screamed like crazy. We run and hugged each other to tight. "Oh gosh, i miss you" alice said. I giggled a little "oh Alice, you would feel how happy i am to finally see a concert with my best friend" i said.

We walked up to her tent and i immedietly lay down. "The ride was so long. I didnt know it will take me 8 hours to go here but luckily i didn't sleep last night" i said.

Alice brought out food which in time made my stomach rumble. "Hahahaha, i think its time for you to eat. And so we can still look at the booths for merchandise" alice suggested.

I just nodded my head and started to eat panda express meal. I love panda express. I didnt even realize that it was a chinese fastfood.

"So will you sleepover tonight?" Alice asked while grabbing fries and stuffing it to her mouth. "I wasnt able to tell mom and dad about that. But dont worry, i know they'll understand and besided, the concert will probably end very late at night." I replied while munching some foo.

She just smiled and grabbed her phone to take pictures of us. "Hashtag finally seeing are future husband" she commented while typing on her phone.

We both laughed it all out. After finishing the food. We walked around stalls and buy necessary things we needed. I bought myself a bt21 headband while Alice bought a printed banner.

Time was so fast until we didnt know that it was 1 hour before the show. "Sheez.. Molly, large cameras arent allowed at arenas!" Alice complained.

"Shhh... dont worry. I have a small bag with me. They wouldn't know" i winked. She rolled her eyes then smiled. "Just send me the puc afterwards" Alice said.

We made our way through the gate. There was so many people. You will see nothing but excitement written on their face as they held tight on their lightsticks and banners.

We head our way to the vip seated. We were suppose to but the standing one so that there's a chance for us to see them super close but it quickly sold out during the ticket selling.

All seats were almost packed and the union of all the lightsticks were so pretty. Everyone keeps on taking pictures like us. Then suddenly, the music blared throughout the arena. "Ooooohhhhh" we all shouted.

Finally dear God, thank you for keeping me alive to this day. "O my God...... this will be so f-cking amazin!!" Alice exclaimed. I was just in awe when i finally see Jimin.

My baby is so f-cking hot. "Ahhhhhh.... Jimin-ah.... domu domu salsengyeotta!!" I shouted. I raised my hand while singing along to their song.

"Im so fine wherever i go. F-cking sexy my Jimin... ooohh!!!!" I jumped. Everything was so hyped. They even spoke in tagalog and all my babies are all so good.

Through the entire concert, all i deed was to sing, dance and shout their names. This will be in fact, the best moment of my life.

"You showed me i have reasons, i should love myself" we sing our hearts out. I felt so sad, it was their last song but i didnt want it to end. "Jimin, Jk, V..... i loovvveee yooouuu sooo much!!" I shouted louder while crying.

They all bow down and thanked us, armies. It was a beautiful night and was so perfect but someday, ill promise to visit their country and be lucky enough to meet them.

"Huhuhuhu.... i cant believe it. Why does it feel so fast?" Alice complained. I nodded my head agreeing with her. A few armies were also seen crying.

"Alice, promise me the next time we will see bts, you'll also come with me" i sobbed. "Are you kidding me. Off course I'll go" she held my hand and together we left the arena.

"Hey, by the way, Molly did you took pictures?" Alice asked. My eyes widened and reached out for my slingbag. "F-cking bitch, how can i even forget?" I asked, annoyed.

"Guess we weren't really ready to take in their beautyx Aluce commented. We both agreed and laughed it off.

While walking to her tent to clean up all the mess so we can go to her flat, my phone suddenly buzzed continuously. I pulled it out of my pocket to see my mother calling me.

I contempleted on answering it cause i wasn't going home yet but still, i chose the latter. "Hey mom, we just got out of the a-" when suddenly i was cut off.

"Is this Molly? Molly Andrews, daughter of Kris Andrews and Bea Andrews?" The called asked. My brows furrowed. I was getting nervous for some reasons.

"Yes thats me. Who is this and why are you calling me on my moms phone?" I asked. I heared her sigh "Your family's car was bumped by a truck. Your parents are at the hospital and are on critical con-" suddenly her words seems so silent in my ears.

My grip on the phone loosened and i suddenly dropped on my knees. Tears sprung down my face like a waterfall and yet i created no sound. "Hello? Hello Ms. Molly?" I faintly heared.

I stared at the phone thinking if all those things i heared was true. "Molly.... Molly, you need to get to the hospital-" Alice went to my side. Panick wad written on her face.

She saw my phone and looked at my crying face. "Ohh, Molly, dont worry, everything is going to be fine" she hugged me.

I hugged her back and finally cried out. It turns out that it wasn't a perfect night for the both of us, specially me...............

Because it was both a dream and a nightmare.

That day, i experienced heaven and hell at the same time

But the heavely like taste was long gone as we reached the hospital.

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