Kissing Booth

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Flashback when you and Bucky first met

Words: 695

You were wandering through the 1943's Stark Expo when you spotted your friend Mary. She was working at a kissing booth which was raising funds for the local school to support kids who are intrested in inventing. It was late so most of the visitors were gone. You walked over to her, she was begging you to cover for her while she uses the restroom.

"Pleeeeese, no one is going to come here anymore, I just need you to stay and keep an eye on the money!" Mary was looking at you with her big brown eyes and you couldn't just let her down.

"Alright, alright, hurry!" She hugged you and giggled. You shook your head at her while laughing. After she disappeared around the corner, the street was empty. You looked around, not sure what to do and leaned over the counter of the kissing booth.

"Looks like you haven't found your prince yet."

You winced at the voice which came out of nowhere and you tried to find the source of it. A few steps in front of the booth stood a young man, dressed in uniform, hands in his pockets and so handsome that your heart skipped a beat. You stood up straight and walked around the booth.

"I-I don't work here, I'm just covering for my friend." Certainly your ability to speak like an adult was gone. You cursed at yourself in your head.

"Oh that's too bad..... I'd like to donate something."

He walked towards you and pulled a $20 bill out of his pocket. Now the tall man was standing only inches away from you, looking into your eyes as if they'd contained answers to all of his questions. By now your back was pressed against one of the front poles of the kissing booth. He leaned further towards you, and put the money in the jar, that was behind you, but he still kept eye contact.

"I won't need money for awhile now, so why not do something good with it." He was almost whispering. A shiver ran down your spine when you felt his breath on your skin.

"And why is that?" You asked when you finally found your voice again.

"I'm going to training camp, for the war that's going to be happening in the next year or so." He stepped away from you and smiled softly.

"I wish you a great evening, Miss." He turned around and headed to leave when you took all of your courage and held him back.

"Wait. I owe you a kiss. Whoever puts money in that jar, has the right for a kiss." You smiled shyly at him when he turned around. He took a step in your direction and you cupped his cheeks with your hands while his found their place on your waist. The soldier pulled you close to his body and you got on your tiptoes to reach his lips with your own. When they finally touched, you couldn't breathe, you couldn't think, all you did was feel. Feel his lips, his hands, his warmth. After awhile you to spilt apart breathlessly and looked at each other.

"Can I at least know your name?" He asked with a grin.


"Well (y/n), it was a pleasure meeting you..." His grin was even wider now and then he suddenly turned around and made his way down the street. Still in shock you needed a moment to realise what just happened.

"What's your name?" You yelled after him. The man turned around, but didn't stop walking.

"It's James. Where will you be in about two weeks, (Y/n)?" You looked at him confused but shrugged your shoulders with a small smile on your face.

"Probably still here..."

"Then I'm gonna find you." With a wink he turned around and you watched as he disappeared in the distance.

You stood there for awhile, not believing what just happened. Yes, you and James will see each other again and it won't be too long until that day comes, but you're already missing him.


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