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-Ladies all across the world

listen up were looking for recrutes

if you want in let me see your hands remember to salute

get you killer heels sneaker pumps

only strap your boots-

my alarm sang and them i decided to turn it off. i checked the clock right beside my bed. shoot its 8:15.

i took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and picked out my outfit-

Pinapple crop top

White hollister jeans

white american apparel bow

Black doc martins

I didnt want to do anything fancy with my hair so i just did the clasic side braid. I went to wake my little sister Bianca. she was already up getting ready so i decided to eat. I saw a note on the table and read-

"will be coming home late @8 today theres $200 under this note. use it wislely. be sure the boxes are ready for tomorrow love ya! - mom"

youre probably wondering she said boxes. my mom is nurse so the hospital will be moving to california while the hospital was in tennesee.

of course shes gonna be late.

wanna know what happened to my dad? well he had a gambling addiction so he just left the house on his own.

"Bianca! ill be driving you to school come down here and eat!" i yelled.

she came downstairs and said,"im gonna miss this place so much. ill eat in the car." "Okay but dont make a mess or you'll be my slave for the rest of the week."

Im so rude, why not introduce myself?

hello, my name is Amanda Johnson. just a normal 15 year old sophmore just living her ordinary life with her annoying little sister. i recently dated jacob whitesides but he was just a dick to me. lemme tell u a story of jamanda or jacob and i.

we were like best friends ever since the day we met in kindergarden. after the years after we graduated middle school, he asked to be his girlfriend as i said yes. We kissed while we threw our hats. i was his first and and he was mine. we dated for 2 years and one day we were invite to a party and then jacob started drinking so much he got drunk so he had a make out session with another girl named jordan, the biggest bitch/slut in the whole school. i wanted to cry so then my best friend Alexis picked me up. turns out he wasnt drunk. so we broke up. i never got over him for months but i got over him. i went from taken to miss movin on.

i dropped bianca off and then here i come to prision(school).

as i went inside, jacob had his arm around jordan. i caught him staring at me which i thought it was cute then came my best friends, alexis, carly, stacy, and candacecrying up to me

*Jacob pov*

as i saw amanda walk through, i just stared at her at her and smiled but she caught me looking at her and jordan doing the death stare. i miss amanda so much. but i love jordan also. i miss her beautiful smile, silky har, and everything of her. i dont know if i still love her. i liked her ever since kindergarden.

People around the school gave us the name jamada which i really liked.

her best friends came running down the hallway crying as they said "IM GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH MANDY." ooh right shes moving to california. i just want her to be right now so that we could have our last moments.

Jordan left to be with her friends as my friends came up to me.

"Dude you have to tell her now its her last day," my friend cody tells

"Yea i talked to her the other day and she said that she still has feelings for you," james says.

"fine ill do it." i said after i was walking up to her

*Amanda pov*

we all talked about how we should spend our last day. we decided to go to the mall and watch movies.

"Should i bring Bianca?"

"obviously! lets bring our whole siblings over!" candace said

i saw jacob coming to me, so did they.

"i think we should leave you two alone," alexis said.

"No! Please guys!"

it was too late.

*Jacobs pov*

"No! Please guys!"

i tried talking but i got inturruped.

"No jacob whatever it is its a no. why did you come over here anyway? did you dump jordan just for me? thats sweet but no. your not doing anything to get me back. why arent with your bitch anyway? does she love you? i heard that she doesnt. she just wants you cause of the fame. i see photos and messages on twitter, she doesnt even love you the way you do. i may be a heartbreak girl but i dont have feelings for you. yes your little friends told me about you and your little secret. i clearly may be a bitch to you and jordan but look in my eyes, jacob."

I did looked at her beauriful greenish brownish eyes. i wanted to cry is this really true?

she whispered,"everything you have done everything for me.the cuddles, the kisses, hugs and all of that but it may not be worth it in this relation ship of you and i. we-"

i interupped her with her on my lips. i missed her lips so much. the kiss was so passionite i wanted it to be longer. but we pulled away. i looked in her eyes and it was watery. "JAMANDA IS BACK GUYS!"

*Amanda pov*

"No jacob whatever it is its a no. why did u come over here anyway? did u dump jordan just for me? thats sweet but no. your not doing anything to get me back. why arent with your bitch anyway? does she love you? i heard that she doesnt. she just wants you cause of the fame. i see photos and messages on twitter, she doesnt even love you the way u do. i may be a heartbreak gir but i dont have feelings for you." i lied. "yes your little friends told me about you and your little secret. i clearly may be a bitch to you and jordan but look in my eyes, jacob. everything you have done everything for me.the cuddles, the kisses, hugs and all of that but it may not be worth it in this relation ship of you and i. we-"

jacob interupped me with his lips on mine. my god how i missed it so much. it was so passionate i wanted it to be longer. we pulled away and i looked into his eyes. "thats my apology." he said. someone yelled, "JAMANDA IS BACK GUYS!


i wrote this when i was bord😂😂 making the cover right now hope u like it! just so you know, this isnt chapter 1 yet. im on vacay rn so im writing chapter 1 right now!


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