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'This world is shit.' 

After years of telling myself my mother may be wrong, I realized she was right. This world is shit. 

The human race, were greedy. And that's what got us into this shit situation in the first place. I may be partly human, or whatever you call the type of thing I am. I am not half as greedy as what they were. 

Neither was my mother, or the past four generations who have endured this harsh world we live in. Even though my mother wasn't greedy, she was taken from this world unfairly like so many others. 

My mother, was part of a group which took risks and lives in order to reveal who destroyed out Earth. Who the main perpetrator was, who the 'cover-up groupe' was.

Whoever these people are, are still out there. 

Whoever these people that are still out there are, are the people who killed my mother. 

In another mass attack in order to cover up the killer of a world. My World.

Thousands were killed, and all down to greed.

Though humans are still out there, there is a large amount of us who are different. We are different for a reason...

As the human race began to suck The Earth dry of its resources, the climate began to change dramatically. To a point where The Earth could no longer obtain its self. The news across the world told us, The Core was beginning to fall, in essence The Earth was having a 'meltdown' and collapsing from the inside-out. 

Just as we thought we were all doomed, The Earth's Core balanced its self in such a position where life could be obtained. Though only a small amount... As the typical Human Race we are, we used this little life we had left, took it for granted and ran out- greed. 

Fore being 'intelligent life' we didn't really hit the whole intelligence thing, we were stupid enough not to replant nature, or encourage and aid animals who needed a helping hand to keep up their species.

We only looked out for ourselves, which in the end, destroyed ourselves. 

Earth changed, species mutated. Including some humans. Our DNA changed, depending on who you were. 

It was as if Earth had re-winded its self in the Evolutionary status.. what people thousands of years ago called 'Myhtical Creatures' began to roam The Earth- mutations.

Though the Earth saved us once- I bet we were just lucky- its not going to do it again. 

Over the many years Earth has been around, people have spoke of 'The Something' which will be the saviour. We didn't find The Something when Earth first started collapsing, and now we've gotta find whatever it is- by we... I mean me. I've gotta find it- and find it quick. 

And to find something which may be anywhere in this God forsaken place is hard enough, yet somehow I have to dodge the killer creatures I have only a small idea on killing and reach whatever The Something is before we die out for good. I'm alone and have no one, unless you decide on my little Chameleon sidekick who follows me everywhere a friend.. I'm alone. 

That's right. This world is shit.

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