Don't Touch!

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I was fifteen when I lost my virginity.

I was young and naive and everyone was doing it, so I took the plunge. His name was Harry, he was awkward and unsure and when it was over, I sighed in relief.

I think he did too.

The experience had been painful in more ways than one and I couldn't understand what it was about sex that had kids at school thinking it was cool, so I broke up with him. We'd been dating for a year, but I had no feelings for him besides the fact that having a boyfriend was the cool thing to do.

I thought I grew up that day in his room when he shoved his penis inside me and I realized sex wasn't all that, and boyfriends weren't all that either, and I was over both.

But I was wrong. I grew up the following year, at age 16.

My family had just moved into this beautiful suburban home on the nicer part of town and my brother and I were excited to explore.

The move had happened on a school day, both my parents had taken the day off work and while my mom had stayed home to continue to supervise the movers, my dad had taken a break to pick us up from school and bring us to our new home.

My brother was two years older than I and was soon to graduate high school. He would start college in the fall.

We roamed the hallways of the one storey building, picking rooms, slamming doors and just getting in my mothers way.

She cautioned us a few times asking us to be quiet and to stay out of the way, and so after having my things brought into my new room, including some of my old furniture, I shut the door and lay on my old and familiar bed which was currently stripped down to the bare mattress, staring at the ceiling and wondering where to begin.

The following day was a Saturday and I knew I could choose to spend it setting up my room.
I noticed the closet in the corner and decided to check it out. I had a lot of clothes and I needed space.

I was glad to see that I had it.

It wasn't a walk in closet, more like a stand in. It was large enough for me to stand in and potter about, like a mini storage room, but I was happy with it.

I swiped my hand on one of the higher shelves along one wall and quickly removed it in alarm as it came into contact with an object.

Standing on tiptoes, I noticed a black leather bound book sitting far back in the corner and retrieved it.

It must've belonged to the previous owners of the house, I thought. It was dusty and looked well used and had a warning written across it in a beautiful slanted scrawl that read: Private, Don't Touch!

So of course I opened it up.

I wasn't surprised to see that it was filled with writings, journal entries I should say.

But that wasn't what caught my eye.

It was the various words that jumped out at me that had my heartbeat first skipping a beat and then racing.

Words like 'sex,' 'group,' 'cum,' 'dribbled,' 'forced,' 'orgasm,' 'used,' that caught my attention and kept it.

The whole night!

I read entry after entry until my stomach was twisted in knots, my vagina was dripping and I was panting in need.

I finally bookmarked it and switched off the light, but I didn't sleep, I lay in bed thinking about her and her secrets, whether her parents ever found out what their daughter had been up to, was that why they had moved? Where was she now, what was she doing, was she still engaging in the things she'd written about in her journal?

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