Part 25

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Lucy left us standing there, facing each other, saying nothing, as the late bell rang. "I should get to class." George said bitterly and turned around. I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt to stop him. "Wait! Hold on a second!" He turned around and slapped my hand away. "What!" He snapped. "Why do you hate me? I haven't done anything to you." He pondered over the moment for a moment then looked me in the eyes. "Who do you think you are?" "Excuse me?" "I've been friends with Lucy for years. You think you know her? I'm not gonna let you take her away from me. You can't just waltz in here and expect everything to fall into your lap just like that." I clenched my fists. He though I was trying to make this easy? He obviously didn't know about Lucy's father. I narrowed my eyes. "You don't know a thing, do you?" I cocked my head and put my hands in my pocket. "What are you talking about?" "Her family." "You know about that!" "You haven't done anything!?! I thought you were her friend! How could you let this happen!?!" "There was nothing I could do! All I could do was let it go!" "Let it go!?! How can you let it go!" "I can't help what happened! It's not my fault she was killed!" "I'm not---" I stopped. Killed! "Wha--Killed? I- What are you talking about?" "H-Her Aunt... isn't that what you were talking about?" He really didn't know about her Dad. "Her Aunt? W-What happened to your Aunt?" "Umm... I should probably get to class." "Oh please! Class is already halfway over. What happened to her Aunt?" We walked up to the roof where the chance of a teacher seeing us was slim. Once we were up there we sat on the edge and George began speaking. "It was three years ago, Lucy was really close with her Aunt Mary. She was actually only twenty one. They were more like sisters. She lived in the U.S, where Lucy moved to Gloucester from. She was visiting for a week and she kept saying she had a surprise for Lucy. It was her birthday week. The day of the accident was her actual birthday; January 7th. She was taking Lucy somewhere blindfolded so that it was kept a surprise. All Lucy heard from behind the blindfold was lots of screaming and her Aunt Mary kept saying "Keep the blindfold on! Keep it on!" So she obeyed. She said she heard gunshots and then everything went silent. She took off the blindfold but her Aunt was standing in front of her, shielding her from something. When she looked around she saw a lot of blood but no bodies. She tried to peak around her Aunt but she kept blocking her. Finally Lucy heard the click of a gun and pulled her Aunt by the hand and ran. What she didn't know when she pulled her was that her Aunt had gotten shot in the leg. Multiple times, actually. Since she was hurt they couldn't run that fast, whoever it was caught up with them from the front and behind. The man in front had a knife and the man in the back had a gun. At the same time he fired the other man through the knife. Lucy's Aunt threw her down to the ground to get out of they way. But she couldn't. So her Aunt was killed on her birthday. Lucy always blamed herself." George didn't continue. He just hung his head and stared at his feet. I, myself, didn't say anything. I did the same. Class was defianately over by now and I had to find Lucy. I had a feeling I would never look at her the same again, I still love her, but she's not the person I thought she was.


I didn't speak to my friends the entire class, whenever they tried to talk to me I just glared at them. I'm pretty sure they got the message that I'm pissed. Anyway, I made my way to my locker quickly so I could avoid them. There was no way I could've ever felt more betrayed. I found Nathan waiting for me by my locker. He didn't look happy. He didn't look mad either, but he didn't look happy. Oh no, what had George done? I knew I shoudn't have left those two alone together.

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