Chapter 2

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Nurse Maria walks into my room and someone follows her from behind. ''Hello Alison this is Bianca she's here to tell you something.'' Bianca starts speaking "I'm only going to take a few minutes of your time.'' I stand up and walk over to her. I watch as her body stiffens as I examine her. ''Well, are you going to stand there or are you going to talk?"

''Right, well when you came to the board and asked if you could write a book we thought it was great ,but now we realize that this could bring up unwanted feelings back and could result to making your condition worse." she said.

"No stop it no" I started screaming. Bianca continued speaking ''I'm sorry ,but this is for the best your story is finished Alison.'' I was now crouched in the corner with my arms covering my face. ''Call in security to bring in the drugs she's getting difficult." Bianca said. Suddenly I felt lightheaded and my mouth turned to a small smirk.

I walked over and grabbed Bianca's arm and twisted it behind until I heard it crack. I could hear security running. I knew they would take me so I grabbed my latest chapter and stuffed in in my bra. I'll go over it later I guess.

I sat down on my bed and looked her right in the eyes "It's Scarlett bitch."


"How do you think you did on that test?" asks Alexis. We were walking home and talking about our huge history test. "I think I did pretty well" I say as we turn to Alexis's street. ''Here's my street see you Sunday when we go get our nails done right?" she says. "Yeah I'll be there see you." I respond.

I turn around and walk down my street. I take out my phone and I'm almost to the door when someone grabs me from behind. I bite the person's hand and when he let's me go I kick him where the sun don't shine. ''Shit!!!!!!!" he says.

Then I realize that it's only Ryder. "Why the hell are you trying to kidnap me!" I yell. "I wasn't going to kidnap you don't you remember what I said yesterday?'' he says. ''I'm not going anywhere with you or your friends." I say.

Out of all things he does the most unexpected. He grabs my key, opens the door, and walks in. "What the hell are you doing in my house!'' I say. ''Your coming with me so get changed.'' he camly explains. 

''I can't believe-wait what's wrong with my clothes?'' I ask. He looks at them and says ''They're too nerdy.'' He finds my room and jumps onto my bed. "I'm not going- to I didn't get to finish because he shoved his phone in my face. 

Adriana to Melissa

Adriana- Can you believe what a nerd she is

Melissa- I know right she doesn't know a thing about fun or being cool

I was hurt .I wasn't that much of a nerd was I? ''How did you get this." I ask him. ''I wanted to convince you and well let's just say I have a friend. I look at my clothes and I take off my tights and sweater. Leaving me with my short pink skirt with white hearts on it and my white tank top.  I applied my lip gloss and looked in the mirror. 

"Will we be safe?' I ask. He says "Yeah totally." "On one condition I have to be home by 10:30 pm." I say. He smiles and pumps his fist in the air claiming his victory. ''I guess I could make it work.''

I turn to the mirror once along and take off my glasses. ''Let's go." I say.

Once we are outside he get's on his motorcycle and hands me a helmet. ''Um no thanks.'' I say pushing the helmet away. He rolls his eyes and gives me this look. ''Geez ok tough crowd." I say. 

I put on the helmet and he turns on the engine. I get on and pray to god we don't crash. 


"Ok we're here.'' he says and stops the engine. I get off and remove all of my hair that stuck to my lip gloss all while giving him a look. ''What was it too fast for you?'' he laughs. "Where are we going?" I ask.

''Just down here.'' he responds. I notice that we were walking down an alley a very dark alley. "Did you bring me here to rape me?'' I ask.  He rolls his eyes and says ''No I did not bring you here to rape you, I would have bought you dinner first." 

''You asshole" I laugh.  "Here it is" he says  focusing his attention on a set on stairs leading down somewhere. ''Tell me if I get it right this time, are you taking me to hell?'' I ask. "What'' he says while laughing. 

I folow him down the stairs where there it just a door. This should have sent red lights shining ,but somehow I wasn't scared or worried. He knocked on the door and someone asked him his name. 

''Ryder Anderson" he says. The guy opens the door and all you see are people drinking and dancing. Ryder leads me to a group of people who I realise are his ''crew'' as he says.  "Ok so I'm going to leave for a bit.''

''Wait what no don't-and he's gone.'' I say with my hand on my forehead. "Guess we have to babysit you" says "Bye the way I'm Jackson." ''I'm Roy and that's Aiden,Dallas, Jake, and Ross." says Roy.

"Introductions are out of the way so I'm going to take little miss goodytwo shoes out to dance.'' says Aiden. He grabs my hand and he pulls me to the dance floor.

''Come on you can do better than that shake what your moma gave you.'' he yells over the music. Then I feel a bit lighthead and I black out. 


I look around and I'm surrounded by people on the dancefloor. I say ''I'm taking a break.'' and everyone trys to bring me back. I'm so confused what the hell happened?I find the guys and they say ''You're one hell of a dancer.'' 

"Wait I have two left feet.'' I say. ''Does this look like a girl with two left feet ." says Dallas. And he holds up his phone which has  a video of me dancing playing. 

 That looks like me ,but it doesn't seem like it is me. Maybe it was just the adrenaline I tell myself and shake it off. Everything was going great ,but I was wondering where Ryder was.


"Hey Roy have you heard from Ryder.'' I ask. He looks at the stage and says "He's right there.''

I look to the stage and the music stops. ''Hello everyone tonight we have a very special performance from the Ryder Anderson himself." This is his new song " No Interruption!!" 

Ryder takes the mic and starts speaking "This song is dedicated to a girl who I had  to bring home by 10:30 pm. ,but turns out it's almost midnight.''  Before I start panicking something inside me tells me it's alright.

 We all wait for the song to start. Once it does I start dancing with Dallas and Aiden.  They push me to the front. I stay in the front dancing alone and laughing. All while Ryder stares at me. He sings and everyone in the crowd starts jamming. 

The songs ends and Ryder and I say goodbye to everyone, We get out side and it's freezing. ''That was so much fun!'' I say. "I'll bring you next Friday.'' he says. 

The entire way home was nice and peaceful. Once we got to my house he let's me off and says "I hope I don't get you into too much trouble.'' 

''Whatever it was so worth it'' I say. He smirks and says"Careful barbie wouldn't want to watch you go rebel.'' 

I rolls my eyes and tell him goodnight and he does the same. I go in and my parents look pissed. 

"Hi guys goodnight" I say. I go to my room and lock the door. I block out my parents yelling. "We will talk about this in the morning Alison!"

I roll my eyes and look in the mirror. "It's Scarlett.''


I finish reading and it sounds pretty good. ''It'll do for now." I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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