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The waves crashed into the shore of Sunstrider Isle. The sun of Azeroth set, half of it gleaming over the horizon. It was a sunset to cherish, but no one cherished it more than Zelthain Phoenix. Zelthain sat on the beach, watching the sunset. He stretched his arms up over his head, and sighed in relaxation. He brushed his golden hair over his pointy elf ears and continued his watch. Zelthain was a small, skinny, blood elf boy, only at the age of 15. His eyes glowed bright green, a trait from his father, and his ears stuck out above his golden hair, also a trait from his father. His family had lived in Sunstrider Isle as long as he remembered. He had grown up in a fairly good house, one covered in red banner. 

His mother, Kelra Phoenix, was a gentle woman. Her hair was brown and red, the colors mixing together to make a brick color. Her eyes were a light gray and he skin was the color of cream. Zelthains mother was a shaman. She cared deeply for the land which she lived in.  She was a gardener, and my could she tend to the land. Zelthains entire backyard was a jungle of different plants his father had collected from the different realms of Azeroth. Ah. His father. Zelthains father was, well.... a trader of some sorts. A tall man with bright golden locks, all brought into a ponytail. His eyes glowed of a bright green, a sign he used to be affected by the old hunger of the arcane, which most blood elves had. He always smelled of the sea, where he spent the most of his time, along with a smell of musty cologne, which he claimed to have traded for in the old kingdom of Gilneas. He claimed to not be a pirate, even though he sailed on a ship, filled with the most ruthless of pira... I mean men and women that Azeroth had to show. He came home from each "Outing" with different trinkets for Zelthain and his family. After his trip to Kalimdor, he had come home with a necklace made of feathers for his sister, made from the many raptor feathers he had gained from the trolls. Before the evil Cataclysm causing dragon had destroyed Kezan, Zelthains father came home with a new engine for his ship, made by the best of what goblin craftsmanship has to offer. Which isn't a lot, according to Zelthains mother. Every time his father came home, Zelthains father had stories. And Zelthain and his sister would sit and listen as their father walked around, acting out the story for the both of them. He would tell them of the dangers which lay in the darkest of caverns, or of the hottest fires in the worst volcanoes. And at the end of every story he would say, "No danger is dangerous enough for me, for I am Captain Zae'darus Phoenix, and I fear no man nor beast." Zelthain dreamed of becoming a sailor like his father. Maybe even one day joining his fathers crew. 

Zelthain sighed again. He longed for a life like his fathers, fighting off sea monsters and killing gnolls. He didn't even know what a gnoll was. Zelthain laid back and closed his eyes. He breathed in the deep musk of the sea. Usually he would be inside, getting ready for dinner. He could smell his mothers cooking from the beach. Shrimp and crab. He laid in the warm sand, imagining about fighting the undead scourge, or even the Black Dragonflight. It was a perfect dream. A loud shriek filled the air, which made Zelthains shiver He opened his eyes to see four dragonhawks flying over the sand. At first he thought it was for him. Zelthain got up and ran to his house only to then realize they weren't for him. 

Zelthain looked back and saw they were still circling over the beach. His gaze drifted down to what they were hovering over. The suns light drove into his eyes and he covered his face. As he drew closer to the dragonhawk target he realized he was staring at a person. A young boy maybe only a few years older than himself. Zelthain ran to the boy. He looked down and saw a young human. Or elf? He had the ears of an elf but they were much smaller than Zelthains. The boys figure was definitely bigger than Zelthain and he had hair on his legs and arms. Finally, his skin was a white blue. He had to be a night elf. But elves don't have hair on their bodies except for their heads. The boy was wearing ripped up shorts and and a torn up shirt. His body was muscular and slim. Zelthain ran to collect his mother. He needed to save that boy. He screamed her name as loud as he could, trying to get her to come out. As Zelthain reached his house, he saw a figure running along the beach from the harbor. He turned to see his father, running to the boy on the beach. He ran back to the boy, just as his mother came out of the house. Zelthain ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He saw his father slide on his knees and begin to revive the boy with chest compression's. He ran beside his father and watched in silence. He did not know the boy but he knew that his life had to be spared. Zelthain prayed to the Gods that this boy would be alright. Just as he stopped praying, the boy spat and coughed. As Zae'darus tried to comfort the boy, the young man shoved Zelthains father through the air about 20 feet, his back in the sand. "Nbb cnbb oep! nbb cnbb oep zeg rmh oep dnd he rlg! n nbb cnbb oep DLAEJ! oep nbb dnl LEGION!" screamed the boy. As the Captain rose, Zelthain himself charged the boy. "Don't you hurt my father!" As Zelthain was about to ram the boy, the boys body went rigid. The boy fell down to his knees and then his face. Zelthain tripped over the boy and went rolling in the sand. As he got up, his father came over and held out his hand. "Son, go inside and do not come out of the house. Your mother and I need to help this boy." Zelthain replied, "Father you can't, he just tried to kill you!" The Captains voice deepened, "We don't know what is wrong with this boy and neither do you. This boy is in pain, that is clear. He is scared and hurt. We need to show him we are here to help when he gets up. Now get inside." Zelthain hesitated then ran to his home. He ran as fast as he could. He stopped for a second to look back at his father, looking over the boy in sadness. Zelthain looked away. He ran inside. 

Captain Zae'darus Phoenix laid his eyes upon the young boy. "What have you been through?" he asked in a soft voice. He knew something evil was upon the boy. Dark energy seeped from his body. Dark demonic energy. Only the Captain would be able to see it, for now. "What kind of demon did this to you? How could you possibly speak their language?" The boy lay dormant in the sand. The captain nor Zelthain knew who he was, but this boy was special. Zelthains future would be changed forever thanks to the appearance of a washed up elf man, on the shores of Sunstrider Isle. 


In the cold north, deep under the icey veins of Northrend, he stirred. His old bones creaked as his light blue eyes opened. "He has awoken Ady. It is time." The Lady of Black arched her wings and spoke in a deep feminine voice. "The master has seen it too, I presume?" The old warrior arose from his ice covered seat. "Yes. He has seen it before we have." Ady nodded her head. The Warrior stepped forward and spoke again. "The time has come for us to hunt. Soon we shall find who the master seeks and soon we shall rule Northrend once again. That is the promise of Asterios, RIGHT HAND TO THE LICH KING!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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