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I walked downstairs back to my room. Before entering I leaned back on the wall. It's like damn because I wasn't in love but I loved Mich and I would've never thought that she would left me. I wanted to be with Mich I did and I can't lie about that.

I walked into my dressing room to see a congratulations poster out. Must've been from the planner- damn.

"Marc- I'm sorry I didn't-"

"YOU probably set this shit up... Becoming a bridesmaid did that shit help ya little plan come together" I asked Kiara

Figures she would be here to help me. "No I uhh wanted to help you out, I didn't want you to-"

"Kiara what do u want from me... I just got left at the alter man"

"Well uhh actually I have something to tell you, which is kinda why I wanted to tell Mich... Clearly I fell in love with-"

"Kiara- are you fuxking kidding me Kiara... Now you're in love with me after she left me- thank you so much for that, but a nigga just got his heart broke so do me a fuxking favor and get the hell outta here, let a nigga be upset in please" I said

I did mess up dealing with Kiara the way I did, but o told her- no she told me from the jump... No feelings involved and that's how I took it. Mich was my focus honestly and now she gone.

I laid my head back in the chair and grabbed my phone
Phone Call

Me: where'd you go

Mich: Marc I just need some time to get myself together

Me:what do you mean you need time, time for what, with who

Mich:hey don't come at me like this is my fault, I know that you been messing with someone else... And I'm okay with that dude but at the same time I just don't think you were happy

Me: but I was baby I was

Mich: my mom said you was gonna do this once I left

Me:oh so ya mom's knew you was finna do this

Mich: yeah and I personally think it was the right decision for me and the baby... It's better if he or she can see a healthy mommy daddy relationship than an unhealthy and unhappy one

Me: why did you wait till now to say-

Mich: I gotta go

She hung up in my face. That was the end of that.... I guess.


After Marc yelled at me to leave... I ran out if the room into the bridal party room to change. I put back on my dress and went to say bye to Ki.

"Hey I'm outta here" I said in Ki ear

"Aye what happened-"

"Ki... Not now- please.... Plan B time" I said

"I'm gonna walk her out" Ki said to Jass as she started eating

She nodded and he got up. He walked me out to my car and went into his glove compartment and handed me a large envelope with a note card that had an address on it.

I got in my car and drove to my apartment complex, I packed a few of my things then called Mimi

Phone Call


Mimi: yessir... I'm bout to do this this toddler class so speak fast

Me: plan b girl

Mimi: really what happened

Me: I'll have to tell you about it later but I'm out okay

Mimi: okay


After the wedding reception, or whatever that was me and Jass went to Walmart to get some stuff.
"Hey what's going on with Kiara... I know that she left and you haven't really said anything else about it" she asked as I grabbed a cart

"Uhh it's a family thing" I responded

"So I'm not family... Woooow Kihroa-"

"No it's... That came out wrong... Look man-" I took a deep breath "after my pops heart attackthat's when he gave me the company okay I had everything and Kiara had basically nothing so you know I'd lend her money and every now and again I guess it started getting to her head and she started being like Oh you know I'm really broken Kairos really the breadwinner so that's when her and Mimi opened that dance school. Problem is  Mimi's classes are thriving kiaras not so much she was real just upset about and u guess life was going how she wanted... Soo then the day that I couldn't go hang out with you I got a text from Kiara like last week and she goes kairoa im pregnant we already know how that's going to go so she came up with this brilliant plan she was going to tell Mark except she was supposed to tell them before today and she didn't and you know s*** with him and Mich hit the fan so I mean... No right in this moment she's probably on a plane to somewhere else" I explained it to Jass

"Ki- you didn't have to"

"Too late now already told you... It is what it is- anyway what we come in here for" I said tryna change the subject

I don't know where Kiara is going or what really is going on but I know what part I had in it and what I'm supposed to be doing.

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