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At this point in Krystal's life, she'd given up on the thought about love. It was cruel and misleading. Krystal had a fair share of dating in her life. But in every corner Amanda had already made points on how the person she'd be dating was a bad idea. Of course..Krys never learned her lesson. No matter how many times Lina was correct about the situation, Krystal wanted to find out for herself. Spoiler alert, they never ended well.

Especially today, recently Krystal had met Alex, and they had gotten together...4 days after they had met, what? The girl got strong feelings, and she's usually straight forward about things... mostly crushes. Alex had originally planned to date Krystal's friends...yup, that's right. Amanda and Karin. But, Alex couldn't emotionally connect with either of them, but Krystal could. And so it happened, it was more of a try, but eventually turned into real love. Krystal had fallen for Alex, and Alex had fallen for Krystal...or so she'd hoped..

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