Truth Seer (Harper's P.O.V.)

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I loved class. Call me a nerd but I really truly loved learning. Sure I was called a know it all, but at least I wasn't failing all my classes like the bozos who tease people are. The bell had just rung, signalling the end of the day. I began to walk home, which unfortunately for me, was a very long walk. I was too young to get a license and I couldn't really afford a bike so I was stuck with walking, At least Paris is beautiful.

" Oi, Harpie, what on earth do you think you're doing?"

My head snapped towards the car that was slowly driving beside me, I looked at the driver,

" Harper to you James, and I do believe I'm walking," I gritted my teeth and continues walking.

" Ah yes I can see that, but why? I mean look at the Sky, I bet it'll start raining in a sec," He said, poking his head out the window and looking at the sky.

Sure enough the rain started slowly pouring from the sky.

" Dam You, You jinxed me!" I shouted at him.

He only laughed in response, " Yeah yeah, come on ParPar, I'll give you a ride home,"

I pulled a face of disgust and began rummaging around my bag, usually I have an umbrella but it seems the one day I needed it, I forget to bring it.

I sighed, " I'll just ring Emilie, I'm sure she could pick me up."

James pouted, " But Harpsers, I'm right here!! Offering to be you private chauffeur!"

I stomped my foot, " For gods sake, Nobody calls me that! It's Harper to you James Miller as you don't have the privilege to call me Harp!"

" Fine than Your royal highness, hope you come to school with lung flu!" He sneered, beginning to drive away.

" It's called Pneumonia and you know it!" I shouted. Sometimes I do not understand him.

I watched his car drive away into the oncoming storm, I could feel the soft pitter latter of rain on my cap. I scanned the sidewalk and saw a sheltered area only a few miles away. I began running towards it. When I got there I threw my school bag onto the ground and starting rummaging through it, praying desperately that I had remembered to pack my rollerblades. Of course I knew I hadn't. My bag was way to light to be carrying around two blades. I kicked my bag and swore. I grabbed my phone.

Dialling Emmy Bemmy

Hey You've reached Emilie Agreste, if this is concerning bakery requests please dial on the Bakery phone number, anyone else I'll return your call-

I cursed again, I did that a lot. This girl never picks up her phone. I dialled Charlotte,

Sup boo this is Charlotte, Unfortunately you missed me! I'll get back to you-

And then Nina,

This is Nina Lahiffe, I can't take your call right-

I screamed at the air, why was no one picking up?  I always answer their dumb phone calls asking me whether or not insulting people through music notes could get a detention or not. ( Charlotte was becoming desperate to get revenge on someone, )

I looked at the sky. The rain had become heavier and was almost impossible to see through. I sat down about to call my Grandad. I knew that my parents were still working but their work is on the other side of Paris and getting one of them to pick me up would be a waste of time. Grandad always picked me up if I couldn't walk home for whatever reason. We would proofread each others reports and if my uncle was home we would usually translate some hieroglyphs into English for fun.

I heard a shrill screech from somewhere, I could tell it wasn't close enough for me to help but not far away enough for me too miss it. It was strange actually. Since I'd arrived in Paris a couple of years ago the thing that always struck me was how many moths that littered the streets at dusk. There where millions of them, but as I thought about it, I hadn't seen one moth tonight.

I pulled out my phone ready to call my Grandad. Suddenly my phone stared flashing,

" No No No No No NO!" I said frantically.

A small battery icon came up before suddenly going black. I wanted to cry. Obviously I didn't, but I wanted too. I sighed, shit just wasn't working out for me right now. I needed to get home and practise my sprints before I finish my leftover math homework.

I pulled my stuff together, grabbed my emergency $20, got to a Main Street and hollered for a Taxi.


My $20 got me just a little over a Kilometre away from my house. Luckily it wasn't raining as hard where I lived so I could get home without being drenched.

I took out my keys and shoved into the door. My parents would be home in maybe an hour, hour and a half. I ran upstairs to get changed so I could run on the treadmill in our basement gym. I snatched my textbook and grid book and threw them on my desk. I went to my closet to grab some workout clothes but I noticed something in the corner of my eye.

I turned around and picked it up. It was a small black wood box painted with what looked like a Thai, possibly Chinese pattern in a deep red. I was confused. My birthday was three moths ago and it wasn't even close to Christmas. And I knew everyone in my family knew my strict no present policy during the year.

" What the fuck is this?"


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