I'm not that great. (Grayson Dolan)

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Your boyfriend and his twin brother were currently filming a video. Grayson asked if you could come over and help them film. You, of course, said yes and were now sitting down on a chair holding up the microphone while Cameron helped with the camera.

We were meant to stay quiet the entire time but would let out a giggle here and there when they did something extremely stupid. Cameron and you were close and she was basically like a sister you never had. Ethan was your best friend whom you got a long with quite a lot.

"Babe, can you sing?" Grayson asked as he looked over at you off camera.

Shaking your head you laughed, "I'm not that great."

"Come on sing for us!" Ethan begged while looking over at you.

"No. I'd rather save myself from the embarrassment. Go back to filming your video guys," you smiled.

The boys pouted but nodded none of the less and continued on to what they were doing. A few minutes later they did their outro and you put the microphone down. Grayson was covered in different types of sauces and food. You watched as he took his shirt off and how even his chest was still messy.

"Babe come give me a hug!" Grayson teased while opening his arms up wide. Any other day you would have ran into his arms but you did not want to get all that gunk on your white shirt.

"No, babe seriously don't do it," you begged as he began to walk towards you. Running away from him you knew you probably wouldn't be able to out run him considering the apartment wasn't big enough to do so.

"Come here Y/N," he laughed while running behind you. Soon you felt his strong arms around your waist picking you up turning you around to properly hug you.

Squealing you felt your shirt getting sticky and you knew it was too late to run away from Grayson.

"Gray," you whined with a laugh as you pulled away from his arms and wiped the front of your shirt which was now a brown and red colour.

"I'll let you wear my clothes. I just couldn't help myself," he laughed while tugging at your shirt and pulling you into a kiss.

"Gosh you are going to pay for this Grayson Dolan," you whispered against his lips before pulling away and walking towards Grayson's room to shower.

"Let's save water and shower together," Grayson suggested while raising an eyebrow.

"In your dreams babe," you laughed while closing his bedroom door.

"GROSS! Eww I did not need to hear you asking her to shower together," Ethan complained while Cameron and Graysons laugh echoed through out the apartment.

Smiling at the siblings conversation outside you walked over to the bathroom and shut the door. 

As you were taking a shower you softly began to hum along to a song that had been stuck in your head all day. Washing the shampoo out of your hair you softly began to sing under your breath. 

"Boy you make it look so easy.

Promise that I'm gonna call you back in five sorry baby girl, but I can't tonight, oh

Boy, you make it look so simple, mm

Yeah, I've known that girl for like my whole life

Back in my hotel and I'm alone inside, oh," You sang out louder more you got into the song. You didn't realise that Grayson was standing outside the bathroom door while recording your singing voice. He smiled at how beautiful you sounded even when the shower was drowning at your strong voice.

You continued to belt out every lyric right on the beat that was running through your head. Once you were done showering you turned the water off and wrapped the fluffy white towel around your body.

Making sure it was tight enough you stepped out and walked out the bathroom into Grayson's bedroom. He was now lying down on his bed scrolling through his twitter.

"Babe, can you give me something to wear?" You asked him while running your hands through your damp hair.

"I thought you said you weren't a good singer?" Grayson asked while getting up from the bed.

"I'm not," you spoke while looking through his closet to see if you've left behind some clothes from the other nights you have stayed the night with him.

"But you are. I heard you singing in the shower. You are an amazing singer babe," he gushed while wrapping his arms around you.

Turning around you pressed a hand on the towel not wanting to drop it.

"You heard me?" You asked with a blush creeping up on your face.

"Yeah, I even recorded you," He smiled while showing you the video.

Shaking your head with a small laugh you looked over at Grayson.

"You seriously need to stop doing that. I'm not the best singer but I do enjoy belting out a few lyrics here and there." You admitted while pressing a kiss on his cheek. "I'd also really like it if you gave me something to wear because it's getting pretty chilly in here." 

"I prefer you without any clothes," he smirked. Gasping you lightly pushed him away from you and turned back around to look through his closet.

"Fine, fine I'm sorry. Here you left some of your stuff here last time you stayed here." He said while opening a drawer and pulling out your undergarments and a pair of leggings. "You can wear my hoodie  if you want," he said as he left to go shower.

Once you were done changing and Grayson was done showering. The two of you cuddled up on his bed while watching a random TV series on Netflix.

"you should really sing more. I love the sound of your voice," Grayson softly spoke as he ran his fingers through your hair.

"You are so sweet. Maybe i'll sing a bit more in front of you, but I'd rather just belt my heart out in the shower. I personally think my shampoo and conditioner love it." You joked.

Hearing Grayson's laugh echo through the walls of the room you smiled knowing it was caused from something you said.

Leaning up you pressed a soft kiss under his jawline, "I love you."

Grayson looked down and stared into your eyes lovingly. His smile captivating you and your heart rate going up.

"I love you too baby," he whispered in his husky voice before pressing a soft kiss onto your forehead.

Snuggling more into his chest you fell asleep with a smile on your face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2018 ⏰

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