1-1. All I Need (Larry)

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It had been rather obvious, Louis thought, of how much he liked Harry. Louis had known he was being obvious, he'd been doing it on purpose. The only problem with it, though, was that Harry had been oblivious to it all.

Niall and Zayn, on the other hand, would laugh at all of Louis' failed attempts of trying to gain Harry's attention. Louis thought they were assholes.

Assholes that had every right to laugh.

For Valentine's Day one year, he had asked Harry to be his valentine. He had bought him roses and everything when he'd asked, but all Harry did was laugh. He'd thought Louis was fucking joking. Why the fuck would Louis joke about that? He went home that day with his heart defeated and his phone off.

Another very obvious attempt was New Years last year. It was Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Harry. They were celebrating it together since none of them could afford to fly home that year. Niall, Zayn, and Liam had decided to be funny and avoid Louis and Harry all night to make them have to talk to each other. Louis loved it, but Harry was getting irritated because he wanted to talk to his friends. He even told Louis he didn't want to just talk to him all night, which hurt Louis' feelings more than he let on.

But he decided that if Harry didn't want to talk to him, then he would just leave. After that night, he didn't talk to Harry for a whole week, which was pretty impressive considering they couldn't go a day without texting each other. Harry had to go to Louis' house and apologize to him, but Louis never really got over it.

There were many other attempts that were very obvious. But Harry was still as oblivious as he was the first attempt. Or maybe Harry knew what Louis was doing, and he didn't want to hurt him by telling Louis he wasn't interested. Louis didn't know, but he knew that after two years of pining over one guy, he was tired of being blown off over and over again.

So he gave up. He stopped being so obvious, and he asked Niall and Zayn to stop trying to get them together. The rejection had finally caught up to him.

So now, he only talked to Harry when he saw him. He didn't text him constantly. He didn't try to hang out with him. He didn't make any moves on him.

The rejection had really hit him hard.

And he was tired of feeling a love for someone who considered him a brother.

So Louis distanced himself from Harry in hopes he'd stop loving him. And Harry noticed right away.

At first, he thought Louis was sick because he would always text Louis, asking him how he felt and if he was okay. Of course, Louis didn't reply. Not really. He sent him one text that read:

im fine, harry. stop texting me.

But that only made Harry even more worried. So eventually, Louis had to shut his phone off. This only resulted in Harry going over to his flat and banging on his door, though. Louis did anything to ignore him. He played music in his ears as loud as it would go; he took a shower until he heard the banging stop; he vacuumed his flat for an hour straight.

Once, Harry was at his flat and he was coming back from the store. God, Louis was pretty sure he's the luckiest man on the planet because Harry didn't see him. He almost did, but Louis was quick enough and hid before he was spotted. He had to wait outside his flat with his groceries in his hand for an hour before Harry left.

He just wanted to get over Harry before he talked to him again.

But basically, Louis has been avoiding Harry for nearly a month and Harry still didn't know why. Louis had made Zayn, Niall, and Liam all swear they wouldn't tell him. And luckily for Louis, they haven't broken those promises.

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