Hooked On A Feeling

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I ran my feet thumping rhythmically against the forest floor, passing by dead rotting trees. I pushed away the pain in my legs and ran faster.
I could hear him behind me, catching up to me.
'He's going to kill me, he's going to kill me, he's going to kill me' I chanted over and over again in my head.

How did a peaceful walk turn into this? Running for my life. I have the worst luck.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I realised I could only hear one set of footsteps. My own.
I risked a glance back for a second and ended up flat on my face.

Now if this was any other situation I would probably laugh. Only this isn't any other situation so I wasn't laughing.
However he was.

It was a sound that made me flinch in the eerie silence. I tried to stand up, but when I put weight on my left ankle, I instantly fell back on the forest floor. I must have injured it in the fall. I barely felt a thing with all the adrenaline flowing through my blood.
Or from the fear.

I heard him come closer until he was right in front of me. He bent down and leaned into my face, grabbing my hair as he did so.

I stared into his stormy grey eyes and felt a chill come over my body.
His eyes were cold, there was no emotion in them not hate or anger    just... nothing. He was emotionless.

He was actually rather handsome, he seemed the type that girls would fawn over and maybe men too. His skin was a flawless honey gold, bar a small faded scar on the side of his forehead but if anything it seemed to add more to his appearance. His hair was a dark chestnut brown, even with the wind blowing it still looked perfect. He had full pink lips and a slightly crooked nose which I can only assume must have been broken at some stage and his eyes were a stormy grey with flecks of silver in them.
He was at least six foot four which was basically gigantic compared to my five foot four and I'm eighteen! I got my mom's genes when it comes to height.

The fact this man was showing me his face so easily scared me it meant he was confident I would never get away.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?" he whispered to me. "Do I have to teach you manners" he asked with a smirk
I felt my face turn red from his
obvious innuendo.

My fear returned when he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me back the way I had come.
"No" I yelled as I struggled to break free. He didn't stop, just kept hauling me through the forest. I started screaming for help.

He slapped me hard and grabbed my shoulders squeezing tight enough to leave the imprints of his hands as bruises.

He forced my mouth open using one hand, the other still squeezed tightly around me, holding me in place.
I wriggled when his hand grabbed my tongue and pulled it out of my mouth.
He let go of me completely and my hands flew to his hand gripping my tongue.

I froze when he pulled out a knife from the waist band of his jeans.
I whimpered when he set it on my tongue and pressed down.
Sobs racked my body as he continued to press down. Blood filled my mouth and trickled down my throat. It felt like I was choking.

He stopped, pulled the knife away and locked eyes with me
"Will you be quiet now" he asked. He held up the knife in threat, almost daring me to say no.
I nodded my head vigorously, terrified out of my mind.
"Good, because next time I won't be so lenient" he smiled sickly sweet at me and let me go. My hand covered my mouth and I let my tears fall.

He grabbed me again and threw me over his shoulder like I was a rag doll. This time I didn't fight, for fear he wouldn't just stop at my tongue.


He carried me for about an hour.
My sense of time and direction had gone hay wire. He suddenly stopped.
I tried to move around on his shoulder to get a look at what he stopped for, but he pushed me back down.

I heard a jingle of keys and then the sound of a car trunk opening.
He threw me in and I landed in an awkward position. He pulled out some rope and a gag from behind my head. He wrapped the gag around my mouth and grabbed my wrists and tied them behind  my back tightly. I whimpered in discomfort.

He slammed the trunk closed leaving me in darkness. I listened to his footsteps as he walked around the car to the driver's side. I heard the door open and listened as he got in.

The car started up and moved suddenly causing me to jolt and bite down on my tongue. I groaned in pain around the gag.
My tongue started bleeding steadily forcing me to swallow the blood leaving a coppery taste in my mouth.
My legs were already starting to cramp up due to the small space making me shift uncomfortably.

My silence was suddenly filled with muffled music. He must've turned on the radio. I recognized the song as ' hooked on a feeling ' by blue swede. I shuddered.
I'll never listen to that song again.

So I hope you liked it😊   I'll update whenever I can but I'll most likely update every week

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