Classy Nudes Are Painted (Joelay)

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                “But... How can my grade be so low? This is a freaking art class!” The word that Ray had actually wanted to use had been “fuck,” but, then again, speaking to his teacher with a tone was already getting him into more trouble. It was better to not add insult to injury.

                The older woman, around her fifties, stated, “A sixty is the highest I’ll be willing to give you for this quarter. As you may recall, you skipped the semester exam-”

                Ray interjected, “How was I supposed to know that there was a test?! Art classes are electives!”

                “An elective it may be, but it still has a grade attached to it.”

                Fingers tightening into balls that gripped at his pant legs, Ray bit down his swears and instead asked, “Well, how do you think I can get my grade up? Isn’t there, like, extra credit or something I can do?”

                Mrs. Jane smiled sadly. “There’s only one thing I can think of for you to do, and I’m afraid you won’t like it. It would only mean ten more points.”

                A “C” rather than a “D.” Well… It was better than nothing…

                Feeling a bit more hopeful, Ray stated, “Whatever it takes. You name it, I’ll do it.”

                She nodded. “What I was thinking is that you could do a project on human anatomy, since that seems to be the area where you’re struggling most, in terms of both sketching and painting. And… Well…” Mrs. Jane chewed her lip.

                “What?” So far, the extra credit didn’t sound too difficult. And any chance to keep his parents from flipping their shit over their grades, Ray would have to take. He had already been kicked out of the house once over schoolwork and now that he was in senior year, there was no telling what they would do to him.

                The old woman answered, “It has to be a painting of a live nude, with included sketches.”

                Ray felt his blood curdle. “Wh-what?”

                “A nude. It’s the best way to learn anatomy.” Mrs. Jane looked serious, and no doubt her judgment was correct, but Ray couldn’t imagine what kind of girl would allow him to stare at her naked body for countless hours after school. Was this even legal in his state? There was no doubt that high school nude sessions were allowed in crazy-ass places like Florida, but here?

                His teacher was staring at him, probably because he had remained silent for a moment to lose his shit in his own head, so he quickly asked, “Will you be assigning a, uh, model to me? And where am I going to work?”

                Mrs. Jane shook her head. “You must find someone willing to participate yourself. Feel free to use the classroom and its materials after school, though you have to be out by seven so the custodian can lock up. Also, on Wednesdays the Green Club uses the room for meetings, so unless you feel like painting for a crowd, I suggest you keep out on Wednesdays. I will inform you if there are any schedule changes.” She picked up a stack of folders off the corner of her desk and clacked on her low heels to the door, only looking back at Ray to advise, “Have the project done in two weeks, or I’m afraid I won’t be able to submit your grade.” He could hear her clacking down the hall as she left his view.

                Ray didn’t realize that his mouth had been wide open until he swallowed to feel the dryness of his throat. He didn’t have much of a choice in this matter… And, with only two weeks left to work… He gathered his things from his desk and left the classroom, shutting the door behind him. What the absolute fuck had he agreed to?

Classy Nudes Are Painted (Joelay)Where stories live. Discover now