Chapter 1: The World Outside

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Umber blinked open his tired eyes and lifted his head to see his mother squirming beside him. It had been nearly five months since they had been thrown out of the old lady's house. He reached out and groomed the black fur on his mother's head in an attempt to settle her down. He felt her small body relax and her breathing even out as she slipped into an easy sleep. Must have been another nightmare.

Neither of them were in good health. Umber's teeth had become over grown and rotten, making it difficult for him to eat. His nails matched his teeth as they began to curl under his paws. His jet black coat was ruffled and dirty and he had the occasional flea causing irritation.

His mother's eyes opened and she gazed up at him. She was in a far worse state than he was. Her black and brown fur was infested with fleas. The little pests were causing her coat to grow thin and lose its shine. She was significantly under weight. Her nails had become brittle, were constantly breaking, and had begun to grow upside down. Mites filled her fluffy ears, leaving behind so much dirt that she had become def. Umber was the only reason she was still alive.

"Take it easy mom," he soothed as he stroked her head with his tongue. He got up to guide her out from the hole under the shed in which they were living. She followed him out to the green grass and began to graze. He kept watch while she ate, taking the occasional bite of grass. I will never let them hurt you he thought as they ate.

A grey blur flashed at the edge of his vision. Whipping around, he saw his older brother, Quenton. "What are you doing here?" Umber questioned as his brother hopped closer.

"I saw the females again," Quenton replied, "They got a little close so I needed to get away. I saw you two and thought I might join you."

The females, as they were known among the rabbits, were two younger human females that often hung around and looked at the bunnies. They were responsible for the rabbits' names, Umber, the black male, Benedict, the small female and mother of the bunch, Quenton, the grey male, and Ember, the oldest white male. The females seemed nice, but after spending the first year of their lives in the old lady's house, humans could no longer be trusted.

"You have to be more careful, Quenton," Umber growled in irritation.

"Nah, what's the fun in that?" Quenton chuckled

"What if something happens to me? Who will take care of Mom?"

"Chill out, everything is fine. I'm faster than them anyway. How could they possibly catch me?" Quenton remarked as he turned to leave. "Besides, nothing is going to happen to you, especially if you keep living under that shed. You can take care of Mom and I can keep doing whatever I want. You know I'm more of a free spirit than you." Quenton ran off, leaving his sibling and mother alone in the small yard.

"He sure is reckless, don't you think Mom?" Umber chuckled, turning toward his mother. She looked up at him. Umber sighed as he gazed fondly at the shriveled figure hunched before him "It's not safe to be out here for long stretches of time, let's go inside."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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