chapter six - wørth fighting før

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old magic man makes me really happy.

also do you ever walk somewhere and start thinking about someone and just start smiling uncontrollably with butterflies in your stomach and you literally feel sick imagining life without them because you love them so goddamn much? Maybe I'm crazy. I've been spending too much time with my boyfriend don't mind me I'm just happy today. I love him so much it actually hurts


I woke up to a sudden shift on the bed. I opened my eyes and saw Dallon walking over to my side of the bed, his hair was a mess and his eyes looked tired and groggy. "Hey, beautiful. Nice nap?" He sat on the edge of the bed as I sat up.

"Possibly the best nap I've ever taken in my entire life. You?"

"Jesus Christ, you are the comfiest little thing, I slept like a baby. A bored, drunk, stoned, tired baby."

I rolled my eyes, getting up and stretching my arms. I felt a sharp pain in my back and doubled over, slowly straightening out. I was mostly used to that happening, but it still hurt like hell.

"Bitch." I mumbled, looking down at my stomach and hoping the baby would hear me. I rested my hand on the side of my back and Dallon gave me a look.

"You okay, babe?" He stood up and placed his hand over mine on my back.

"Better than ever." I muttered, a sharp spark of sarcasm flicking off my tongue. I winced as I moved again.

"Bren," Dallon sighed, gently turning me around and placing his other hand on the other side of my back, "You can be pissy all you want, I can't blame you, I'm not the pregnant one. I know you get mood swings, I know it hurts, I can't even imagine what you're going through, but I know I can help. Just let me try this."

"I'm sorry. I'm just cranky and tired and it just hurts so bad Dal. God, it hurts so bad. I know it's worth it, but it's so hard sometimes." I ended up in tears be the time I finished speaking. I don't even know why though, I was just so stressed out and my hormones were a mess. I was a mess.

"I know, babe." He paused, and I practically heard him smile behind me, "You're adorable."

I scoffed, "Yeah, Dal, it's fucking cute hearing me cry in pain. Are you gonna do anything or watch the fucking show?"

"Damn, babe." Dallon chuckled. He gently rubbed both sides of my back with his thumbs, slowly but surely working out the knots the baby had kicked into my back. I squeaked a little as he moved upwards.

Once he knew I was at enough ease to move normally, he spun me around and gently kissed my lips, continuing his massage on my upper back. I bit down a little on his bottom lip as my back relaxed and the pain slowly subsided.

He slowly pulled away, biting his lip and smirking at me. "Better?"

"So much better. Thank you so much, baby." I looked up at him gratefully.

"Still cranky?"

"Yes. I want pasta."

"Alright, get your ass in the kitchen." He patted my bum and shooed me out of the room. He followed behind me and the buzzer went off right on time.

Dallon hit the button on the wall and opened the door for his friends as they came up. Minutes later, the sound of faint screaming echoed through the hallway, getting louder and louder before a little girl came sprinting inside in a laughing, screaming mess. She hid behind Dallon and hugged his legs, her head peaking around him at the door.

"Hi babygirl! Where's daddy?" He asked her. She pointed at the door, giggling adorably. A tall man soon came running in, making the little girl giggle harder and sprint further into the flat. He quickly caught up to her and grabbed her. They spun a few times and the little girl was soon propped on the mans hip, belly laughing and holding him tight. A man and a woman came in next, hand in hand and seemingly absorbed in each other. The woman had shoulder-length, dark red hair and wore black skinny capris, a whitish tank top with black writing on it and bright yellow boots. The man had long, brown curly hair, covered in the back with a bright red beanie and wore black skinny jeans with a navy blue Invisible Children tshirt. They pecked lips and hugged Dallon separately, exchanging 'how are you's and 'whats new?'s. The man and his little girl came over and shook my hand and introduced themselves. "Hey, I'm Jeremy, and this is my daughter, Bliss." The man said. Bliss hid her face in her dad's shoulder, shying out of character.

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