Part Eight

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My Brother's Best Friend
Part 8
Your P.O.V
As I walked in, Rye was already there, waiting on his bed.
"How are you here already?"
Rye:"Like I said, I used to be a free runner."
"Show off."
He playfully punched me on the shoulder and I laughed and sat down next to him.
Rye:"So what was you saying before Brook interrupted."
"I was saying, that I feel the same way."
Rye:"And what is that exactly?" He smirked and I blushed.
"I am falling for you Mr Ryan Beaumont, and I'm falling hard."
Rye:"Well I, Mr Ryan Beaumont, love you with my entire heart, and I will for the rest of my life."
I smiled and Rye leaned back against the wall and put his arm out. I shuffled back and sat next to him, with his arm draped around my shoulder.
"So what now?"
Rye:"As close as Andy and I are, I can't tell him. It would break his heart and ruin our friendship."
"We can't hide it from him forever."
Rye:"Well it's early days yet. We'll tell him eventually, but just not yet."
I sighed and closed my eyes. Why did everything have to be so complicated.
Rye:"Don't you need to speak to Andy? To find out what's wrong?"
"Oh crap. I forgot." I quickly got up and ran into the living room to find Andy. He was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.
"Andy, you need to tell me what you promised to tell me."
Andy:"Oh Yeah, but not here. Let's go Starbucks and sit down and talk." We walked to Starbucks in silence and when we got there I ordered an iced frappe and sat down. Andy got his drink and came over.
"So what's up?" I asked.
Andy:"So, recently I've been getting a lot of hate and it wasn't that bad to begin with. But then I started getting death threats, and people were saying that I shouldn't be in the band and it got so bad I lost it. I felt worthless and irrelevant. I started getting angry really easily and I-"
"Andy, you don't have to say anymore. I know it's hard, but you have to ignore the hate. There are so many people that love you and you light up so many peoples worlds. You need to focus more on the positive."
Andy:"Thank you, it really means a lot."
"You're welcome."
We carried on talking for a few hours and then headed back to the flat. It was around 6pm and the rest of the boys were in the living room eating dinner.
Rye:"Hey, there's some pizza in the kitchen for you's!"
Andy:"Thanks mate."
Once we had all finished eating, Brook suggested playing truth or dare. We all agreed and it was Brooks turn first, since it was his idea...

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