Its Been a Long Day

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AUTHOR: avalancheobssesed-- Tumblr

You wake up at 4:30. Why? Because it's your job. You have to get up, get to the vet clinic before 6 and then plow through piles of paperwork while also running the front desk on your own and answering the phone and dealing with people who think that you sent them the wrong stuff but they're just idiotic. You can't say that, oh but you want to desperately. Your day is absolutely packed, not a second is wasted. There are vets running around, going to house calls, getting back from house calls and automatically having to do surgery on another patient. It's a lot. So much that when your boyfriend of 4 years calls at the same time he always does to check on you and give you a break, you act like it's an emergency and leave the crazy lady who is on the verge of yelling at you at the front desk. You find a secluded corner and lean against the wall, even more grateful for his loving voice.
"Hey babe. How's work going?" He asks and you can hear his teammates in the background, saying goodbye or teasing him about you.
"It's...awful. Absolutely awful. I love helping the animals and the owners but I've had like six people yell at me already and all of them were wrong but I couldn't say they were. I just want to come home to Moose and Jamie, to you." Everything pours out of you. You've secretly been hating your job for the past year and it's gotten incrementally worse everyday that you are here. You want to quit so badly, but you have no idea where'd you go, or what you would do. The only reason you haven't quit yet is because it feels good to do something, and you don't want Tyson to be the only one making money. You think that that's too much stress for one person to handle. He's told you in the past that it's no big deal, he doesn't mind paying for meals, clothes, anything that you need or want but you feel so guilty using his well earned money for things that you want.
"(Y/N), if it's so bad, why don't you quit?" Uh oh here we go.
"I feel bad whenever you're paying for things that I want, or that you are always paying when we go out to dinner. Something inside me just irks and feels useless." You could hear one of the vets making their way to your corner, knowing exactly where you talk to Tyson everyday of work.
"Babe," Tyson sighs, "You don't have to feel bad. About any of it. I want to buy you nice things and pay for dinner and make you the happiest woman on Earth." You feel a heat in your chest, and you can't help the giant smile on your face. His words bring a warmth that spreads throughout your whole being, as if he was with you and had his arms wrapped tightly around you.
"I know Tyson, I know I shouldn't but I just do. I feel like if I'm not doing something then I'm failing. I'm so torn though because I want to quit. I really really want to quit so badly, but if I quit, what would I do? It scares me." The vet is getting closer.
"You don't have to know your next job right now. You don't have to know anything right now except that I will take care of you, I will love you and cherish you and pay for everything until you find something you love. If you really want to quit, if it isn't just a bad day, then I think you should put your two weeks notice in today. Then come home, and we'll talk more, does that sound alright?"
You let out a breath and push your back into the wall, "That sounds amazing. Except the you- paying-for-everything part."
You can hear his smile over the phone, "I'm glad. Take it easy, I'll see you soon yeah? I love you."
"I love you. Thank you."
You hang up and close your eyes, smiling. You're gonna do it. You're gonna put in your two weeks notice today, and the next chapter of your life will start.
A knock on the door makes you jump.
"Hey, (Y/N). I didn't meant to eavesdrop but I heard what you said. Are you really going to quit?" You've become somewhat good friends with the newest vet. He and his boyfriend both work at the clinic. Adam is a vet and his boyfriend, Daniel, is training to be a vet but also works the front desk occasionally. That occasionally is most likely going to turn into often.
"Yeah Adam, I am. I'm so stressed and I hate what I'm doing with my life." You say, pushing away from the wall and out the door. Adam is nodding, staring off into space.
"Are you gonna be okay?" You ask, resting a hand on his shoulder. He snaps out of his thoughts and nods at you frantically.
"Yeah I'll be fine. Just a bit sad." You smile sadly at him.
"I'll miss you and Daniel the most." You say, before solidifying your plans.
-The Night-
After what was probably the longest day you've ever experienced, you get home at 5:30. As you open the door to Tyson's house, that he shares with Kerf and JT, you can hear Moose and Jamie running to you. You shut the door behind you and drop your work bag before holding your arms out to hug them. They run into you, knocking you over and you can hear Tyson start laughing as they lick your face. You get up, giving them both a kiss on the head before walking to Tyson and hugging him so tight you think you might suffocate him. He wraps his arms around you enveloping you in a warm, safe hug. He kisses the top of your head before you look up and then kisses you on the lips.
"Did you do it?" He whispers, massaging the back of your head with one hand while holding you close with the other. You nod into his chest and close your eyes.
"I'm happy for you babe," He says before kissing the top of your head again, "You tired?" He asks and you respond with a confirming grunt. He lightly chuckles before picking you up and carrying you to his room, laying you down on his bed. He gently takes your shoes off, then your socks. He pauses when he gets to your pants but you give him a thumbs up without opening your eyes so he takes them off as well. Tyson pulls the covers over you, and you can hear as he picks up your clothes and shoes and rests them by his dresser.
"Where are the other two hooligans?" You mumble, holding the covers up to your neck. The bed dips and Tyson gently caresses your calf through the covers, running his thumb back and

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