Special Pt 1- Tyson Jost

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Author: Avalancheobsessed -- Tumblr


WC: 1977


"This is your captain speaking, I apologize for the delay but we should be cleared for takeoff in 20 minutes. Thank you for your patience and choosing to fly Frontier." The captain's voice rings aloud and you roll your eyes. Your patience was running low and you were pretty sure that you were never going to choose to fly Frontier again. The flight had been delayed by 40 minutes already, and in 20 minutes, an hour. All you wanted was to go home, see your family and have some real food for a week or two, rather than eating microwaved food for every meal. No one in your dorm knew how to cook, so it was Ramen and anything that could be microwaved. You were also ready for your queen bed and super comfortable mattress. All that stands between you and all of that is this stupid plane and it can't do its job.

You can't be completely mad because you did score on a window seat in the back of the plane and two open seats next to you with no announcement of a full plane. Yet as you think that, here comes a very familiar looking person, stuffing their bags into the overhead bin and ducking below them to take the seat next to you. You would have been upset that your once empty row is now occupied by another person if it hadn't been Tyson Jost sitting down next to you. Yes, Tyson freaking Jost. This would be a big moment for anyone but it's a huge moment for you because as a teenager you had a celebrity crush on Tyson. As much as you hate to admit that, it is very true and it is coming back full strength now that you get an in-person look at him. He gives you a small smile which you return before shifting your eyes away.

He sets his backpack down in the aisle seat and takes some time rummaging through it. You watch him from his backside, repeatedly hating yourself over and over again for having a crush on him, but also loving it at the same time.

You direct your attention to what's in your hands, an English book and the following assignment. A big sigh escapes your lips and you see Tyson glance over at you out of the corner of your eye. You glance back at him and he gives you a slight smile which you return.

"What are you going to Denver for?" He asks, breaking the silence between the two of you.

You lean back in your seat and look up at him as you answer, "I'm seeing my family. I go to college in St. Albert. My parents live just outside of Denver. I'm (Y/N) by the way." You hold out your hand to shake. Butterflies filled your stomach and you start to mentally freak out. Are your hands sweaty? If they are will he care? Will he move seats?

"Oh, that's nice. I'm Tyson," he replies, taking your hand. He doesn't appear to be disgusted when he touches your hand so good, no sweaty hands.

"Yeah, I know." You mutter, pulling your hand back. You realize how weird and stalkerish that sounds but the words are already out, audible and clear.

He raises an eyebrow, "You do?"

You give him another smile, "It sounds creepier than it is, Josty." Hopefully saying Josty will be enough to make him realize you're just a fan, not some creepy stalker woman.

He chuckles slightly, "You like the Avs?" You internally give a sigh of relief and feel your muscles relax.

You roll your eyes, "Like? Love! Obsessed! Which sounds a lot worse than it is."

He laughs again, this deep, sensational laugh that gives you chills. You give in to a little chuckle only to look back at your English work. Your smile drops.

"Due when you come back from break," you imitate your snotty little English teacher who told you that as you packed up to leave class. The book analysis is due the day after you get back from break, no later. It's ridiculous.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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