Chapter one.

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We were traveling to the US for the world tour, it has been 5 years since we started this journey and 2nd world tour. Everytime I come back to the US I always just want a few days off, a few days to find what I lost so long ago. But that never happens. Never have the time in between shows and traveling.  "Somethings on your mind, I can tell" namjoon said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Just.. no never mind." I replied staring back out the window of the plane.

"Its something, and I think it has to do with the small box of pictures you carry around with you" namjoon said pointing at my bad in the overhead. I looked at him wide eyed. "You confided in me about those pictures and the story of them long ago when we first started, if you think it's time to open that door I will walk through with you and help you find that important missing piece, hyung." He said.

"We cant.. we never have time.. plus I tried calling and I bet she moved anyway.." I said looking out the window again. My heart breaking. It breaks everytime we come to the USA and I cant take time to find her.

I drifted off to sleep soon after the plane landed. We had to grab our things and rush out before we get bombarded with fans. We were rushed out the back and into the van.

"Suga hyung, is so quiet, quieter more then usual! Everytime we come to the states he gets quiet and seems bummed" jimin said sitting in the seat in front of me.

"Come on, you know what's going on. He told all of us when we first started. " namjoon said. I just laid my head on the window and watched the view as we drove. 

"Hyung, you ever going to move on?" Jimin said turning around. I just ignored him and stared out the window.

"Seriously, just shut your mouth. You are going to make his mood worse and you dont even understand the strong feelings he has had for more then six years!" Hobi said directly to jimin.

We got to the hotel and I went straight to my room. I fell face first into the bed. I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone right now. That's when I heard a knock on the door.

"Ugghhh..." I moaned loudly as I got up. "What is it?" I asked as I opened the door.

"sorry to bother you, we just were going to get food and do you want to join or us to bring anything back hyung?" Hobi asked concerened as him and jimin stood there stating at me.

"I'm too tired for food I'm going to bed. Night" I replied and shut the door. I'm just not on the mood tonight. I walked to the bed and grabbed my bag. I pulled out my small wooden box. I opened it as I sat down on the bed, slowly taking the pictures out. Staring at each one and the memories come flooding in like a movie.

'Knock knock knock' I heard someone gently knocking on my door. I opened it to find namjoon this time. He had food with him and tea. "You aren't going to go away until I let you in with the food are you?" I asked, he just smirked and shook his head no.  I stepped aside and allowed him in.

"Reminiscing I see.." he said looking at all the pictures on the bed. "You would not come with the group so I decided I'd get food to go and we both eat here.." he replied putting the food on the table.

"Thanks, but I'm not very hungry" I said as I began to pick the pictures up. "I just need to go to bed.. I'm a bit jet legged"

"Ok well I will wait to tell you this news later on then.. but I know you would want to hear it and it would cheer you up.." he said as he began to stand up.

"Wait! What news?" I asked.

"Eat and I'll talk" he replied. He was always worried about me when I get in my depression mode. I reluctantly sat down and began to take small bites. "I'm eating now talk" I said looking at him.

"Well I talked to bang PD and he agreed it's time." He said smiling.

"Its time for what?" I asked even more confused.

" it's time for us to hunt for her! He said we could take a couple weeks around pur Chicago show since it will be the closet show to ohio and look for her" he replied.

"Wha...*cough cough cough*" I began to choke in the shock of his news.

"He said all you had to do was talk to him, he wants you to be happy and you cant with all this unfinished business" he replied handing me my drink. "I'm going to look with you! We will find her!"

Is it true? All I had to do is ask? But will we find her? I am scared to look but I'll be miserable not knowing if o dont!

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