Older Tododeku

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- Todoroki grows his hair out. Deku usually cuts it short like undercut length but he lets it grow nearly shoulder length sometimes because it gives todo mini heart attacks and he likes to be able to screw with his bf. Mainly bc todo always does tht to him so uh payback time

- They split chores so that while one is cooking the other is doing other chores and get too distracted being competitive. Food gets ruined. Often by Deku because he's too weak to Todoroki's blatant attempts at distracting him (in order to 'win' by being the first one done with his chores) and he messes up the food.

- Deku is fairly decent at cooking because his mom would let him help cook often and they'd bond in the kitchen meanwhile Shoto is a disaster. He can cook simple things like easy pastas and hot dogs and stuff. But over time he actually becomes a good chef because Deku helps him and they usually experiment together with recipes they see online.

- Just imagine its early morning and they roll out of bed and Todoroki is pulling his hair up in a ponytail so it's out of his way and he's putting on an apron and Deku's doing last night's dishes while Shoto is mixing smth for baking and they smile sweetly at each other and just,,,,, hhhhha god. My babies.

- Winter is the best because they cuddle up on their comfy couch with the softest blankets and big mugs hot chocolate and it's so good.

- I dare you to imagine Deku playing with Shoto's hair. Just imagine Izuku Midoriya braiding flowers into Shoto Todoroki's long, flowing locks. Or gently brushing through it. He always has a hairtie on him in case Shoto forgets one.

- Them grocery shopping is hilarious because they are also competitive about that. One of them always gets stuck with the buggy while the other goes to the other end of the store to get stuff from that end and keeps returning with things and dumping them. They wind up finished before buggy person gets to the middle of the store.

- "Izuku. For the thousandth time, we already have a big box of Hello Panda at the house, why do you want Pocky?" "Shoto, why do you even have to ask?" "Alright but if you die first because of cholesterol don't haunt me, it was your own fault."

- "Shoto! They have coffee mochi!" "We see it other places too..." "yea but its the brand I like." "....We see it other places too." "Please~" "Whatever."

- Like just,,,, for the record Shoto is just as bad with snacks but they both jokingly act like it's all on Deku. Its one of their inside jokes.

- Their first fight as a couple is grocery shopping. It happened entirely because they were stretched too thin and super stressed and both intensely sleep deprived. Deku wants some specific chips but they've got a limited budget but he wants them bc he's had some recent good thing happen and wants to treat himself and they get in a big argument over the chips because Shoto wont let him get them (Because he secretly already blew most of their extra money on a surprise for Deku) and they leave the store and Shoto surprises Deku with the fact he got him he chips anyways. Also the actual surprise. Anyways, they refer to it jokingly as the Great Chip War and very few know that story. Now every time they go shopping they jokingly go down the chip isle and jokingly glare at each other and jokingly are like "god these chips ruined our relationship" "yeah cant believe you're cheating on me with corn chips"

- I love the idea of Todoroki reading to Deku when its time for bed. Like I love the idea of Todoroki reading before bed and so it's late and Deku has a nightmare one night because he went to bed first and.... Shoto just decides to start his book over so he can read to Izuku in hopes it calms him. And then he starts doing it more often. They have a specific shelf on one of the many bookshelves dedicated entirely just to books Shoto wants to read to Deku. Sometimes they fall asleep that way, with Deku cuddled into Shoto's lap, Shoto's hand in his hair, book set aside where Shoto was reading from it.

- Shoto with reading glasses thank you for your time

- Deku borrowing Todo's reading glasses thank you for your time

- Anytime someone makes the "whos the man tho" joke they get into a pretend argument over which of them is more the wife, with both arguing over how they are more the wife than the other. Purposefully overdramatic to a point it usually makes the person leave them alone afterwards.

- These dorks, god, these huge nerds watching hero movies and stuff with giant grins and super excited like toddlers on christmas, both fueled by the other's joy, to a point where they're feeding off of each other's excitement and joy so much they're collectively radiating the stuff, like god can you imagine. It starts with deku being excited and like !ÔwÔ! and Shoto takes one (1) look at him and is like "My boy! hes so happy!!! thats my boy right there!!"
and deku is like "shoto is excited!!!" and it just goes back and forth.

- Shoto probably didn't get much experience with kids games and holidays as a kid so Deku makes sure he's educated they have a whole closet in their house packed full of board games. And christmas is wild at their house. They go all out for literally every holiday. Their house is that house. It's Halloween? Then the Addams family and the Munsters better look out because their house is super hecking spooky, not even scary, just spooky. Christmas? Santa and Mrs. Claus themselves better look out because their house is practically vomitting candy canes. They're so extra about it I promise you.

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