Under The Same Stars

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Written for the TakeMyHand Kiribaku Fanzine! 

Cover art by insta user: _bakubaku

Hope you enjoy!

  .☆* ゚・。*.✫.*。・゚*☆.  

The night air was crisp against his skin, but Kirishima didn't notice. It took the sound of a door sliding open to finally snap him out of his reverie.

"Oi. I thought you needed tutoring or some shit," a gruff voice called across the gap between their verandas. It was impatient, but not too terribly aggravated. With a gentle whoosh, the door slid shut. "I was gonna head to bed soon."

Kirishima smiled wistfully, chin in the palm of his hand as he leaned against the railing, eyes still locked on the heavens above him. "Hey, Bakugou."

It wasn't until Bakugou padded forward to his own balcony railing that Kirishima stole a glance in his direction. His hands were burrowed in his sweatpants pockets, deep red eyes regarding Kirishima with only mild curiosity.

"I keep finding you out here."

"Hm." Kirishima returned his attention to the sky once more. "Stargazing."

"Well, yeah, I fucking gathered."

From the corner of his eye, Kirishima could see Bakugou crane his neck to squint at the flecks of light that dotted the night sky. A comfortable silence began to settle, when—

"'S not like you can see much."

"I know, that's the problem," Kirishima whined, lolling his head back in frustration. "It's like this back home, too. Not even a cloudy night, but between the light pollution, and the actual pollution..."

"Seems pretty hopeless if you ask me."

Kirishima's shoulders sagged. "Yeah." He watched his foot tap against the concrete. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

For a moment, neither of them spoke. But then Bakugou turned, back leaned against the railing, arms crossed. Without having to look at him, Kirishima could feel his scrutinizing gaze.

Finally, Bakugou clicked his tongue. "Okay, something's up with you."

"No, no," Kirishima rushed, shaking his head. "It's nothing."

"Sure don't seem like nothing."

Only Bakugou could make that sound like a challenge. It was in the way he stood – eyebrows raised, disbelieving, waiting for Kirishima to explain himself. As if he somehow knew of the weight that was pressing down on Kirishima's heart.

"It's just..." Kirishima trailed off, losing himself in the dull night sky again, searching for the right words. With a huff and a pout on his lips, he tried again. "There are millions of stars in the universe. Billions. But from here, in the city, they're all so dim. We can only see a couple dozen of them, and I still have to squint to make most of them out. It's a little... disappointing, isn't it? Only a few are really bright." He pointed to a reddish dot closer to the horizon. "Like that star right there."

"That's Mars, genius."

"Oh." Kirishima gnawed at his lip, eyes scanning before pointing his finger again. "Then, that one."

"That's not a star either. Probably Venus or something."

"Okay, hold up," Kirishima turned to face Bakugou. An amused smirk looked back at him. "Why do you know so much about space, anyway?"

"I don't. But at least I can tell the difference between a star and a fucking planet."

"Of course you can." With a roll of his eyes, Kirishima rested a cheek against his loose fist again, but it wasn't enough to hide his smile.

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