As Strong As Infinity

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A/N: If I decide that I like this short story there will going to be upcoming chapters :) This chapter is seriously depressing so it may be kinda boring so just try to get through it o.0 Please comment if you think I should continue or if its no good (Don't be rude pleease) and any constructive criticism.

Do you guys think that I should keep Mark's name or should I have a less flattering name?

School's starting this Monday but I'm gonna keep going with this and I wish you guys luck if you're starting school too. Summer went by too faaaaastt... so yeah :(

Teaser (If I continue): Avery goes to her first day as a Junior at a new school and things don't exactly go as planned. Also, Bren is having problems at work. And Mark is just... Mark.

Thaaaaaaankkksss, my kittens and I seriously appreciate you! :)

It’s just weeks to junior year and my high anxiety levels and ADHD are kicking in again. My mess of a family was just relocated to Georgia, of all places. The freaking place is clustered with my great-great relatives and my mom’s college friends. I’m not so sure this is a good thing.

This is my 8th move and the first one since Emmett left us.  

I had two brothers, Brennan and Emmett. Brennan is a spastic, badly dressed, maniac who, despite all of these bad attributes, is surprisingly handsome. Our bright strawberry blonde hair and fair, freckled skin contrasting with the tan skinned, beach blonde hair our family is known for, we were the odd ones out. Annoyingly, we are both surprisingly alike in that way. But it stopped there.

Emmett, who inherited the family traits, was more contained. He was the athletic one of the family with his soccer career. But halfway into his sophomore year in college he was diagnosed with a non-operational brain tumor. They couldn’t do anything about it, so he waited. Waited for death.

To the very end, the very last second, he was himself. His enthusiasm was contagious and it never failed.

Emmett kept our family going, past the rough days when we thought the pain would never end. When we thought that we’d seen our step-dad at his worst, he’d give us hope again. He was our strongest link even when he was the weakest. I still seem him sometimes, laughing at my jokes, comforting me when I cry, and watching late night movies with Bren and I even after mom scolded us for staying up too late. My brothers and I were so close, almost nothing could break us apart despite all the pressure weighing us down, and we were tied together at the seams. That’s just how it was.

But not anymore.

Now I’m dragged back into my harsh reality and I’m forced to meet the truth. The cold, hard, fucking truth. They say the truth is marvelous, noble. Well, that’s not the truth.

The day I finally figured that out, it was too late. I was dead on the inside and out. And I remember wishing I was still that sweet, naïve, innocent girl I used to be, but some things just don’t work out the way you plan.

******* Flashback *******

I trudge through my wrecked thoughts on my way to meet up with my mom after a long day of back-to-school shopping.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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