Self love

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I look at myself and think what have I done to possess such unwanted features

I stare at my phone,deleting any or all selfies

Using filters or stickers to cover my flaws

Telling me i'm beautiful in my own way isn't enough

Society itself agrees that I am not what you call  “beautiful””

I walk down the hallways of my desires

Taking in how much hatred I have for myself

You might ask well how come and the answer really is simple

I indeed do not hold love for myself

It's hard to do so especially when you do not allow yourself to do so

“Cover your face, That doesn't go with my body shape, Ew that's me”

That's all I allow myself to hear,What are compliments?

At the end of the day I go back to my mirror to push myself down again

Point out my ugly mistakes on myself

I end the day being my own bully

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