Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of voices. I sat up and I heard someone say "hey sleeping beauty wakeup we have to leave in 20 minutes" my eyes shot open "oh my gosh it takes 20 minutes to just do my hair!" i said getting out of bed and ran into someone who turned out to be cute face "calm down we are just traveling today so wear something comfortable." cam said and leaned down to kiss me but I turned so he would kiss my cheek "hey" he said "sorry I haven't brushed my teeth yet" I said going to the bathroom. I straightened my hair and groomed my face. I got a piece of gum and I walked back out "do you have any sweats I could use I didn't bring any?" I asked basically anyone that was in the room "yeah come on" cam said grabbing my hand. he grabbed a pair of black sweats and a cam Dallas sweatshirt. "thanks I said and kissed him. I went to the bathroom and out the sweatpants on and since the were so big I tightened them the tightest they would go and they still were a little loose around my waist, the sweatshirt went just past my butt and was really long on my arms... I really didn't think that I was this small. I walked out and cam wasn't in there. I collected all of my stuff and put it in my pink nike duffel bag and then I grabbed my teddy bear that I had since I was a baby ( it's a light brown build a bear and it's really scruffy) "ok I'm ready!" I said coming out of the room "good lets go beautiful" cam said taking my hand. I smiled at him and then walked with him. "wait I forgot something" I said running back into the room "how could I forget you!" I said to my blue iPhone and stuck it in my pocket. I ran back to the door and saw cam was waiting so I hopped on his back and kissed his cheek. we went down the stairs to the rest of the guys "smile!" mahogany said to cam and I. we did and she took the pic. "aww how cute" she said walking over to Jacob. "you can put me down" I said laying my head on his shoulder. he put my feet on the ground and I hugged him from behind. he turned around and kissed me "alright love birds let's go." Taylor said we laughed and grabbed our stuff. cam was really sweet to me and I loved it. after we put our stuff in the car we went back inside to eat breakfast. cam still had puffy eyes from waking up so early. and his tired look was hot. I checked my phone and it was 6 in the morning. I just got a cup of hot chocolate and sat down. "why aren't you eating?" cam asked "because if I eat I will get it stuck in my braces and I don't feel like brushing them again" I said "aren't you hungry though?" he asked grabbing my hand "not really" I said and smiled. he kissed my cheek and started to eat and I got on my phone to check twitter. I saw that a lot of girls were tweeting my the pic of cam and Bella Thorne, and the rest were all talking about the pic that mahogany took later this morning. "look" I said showing cam the stuff about Bella " yeah everyone's hating on her for it, but there is nothing going on with us" he said "I know I just didn't know if you knew that everyone was hating on her" I said "I only know that because she started to text me about it and asked me to ask my wife's to stop hating on her" he said I laughed at how he called his fans his wife, he really loves them and it's sweet. "did you see how many people saw the pic?" Cam said "yeah!" I said smiling with my teeth which made him poke my dimple. I put my phone away and stood up "where are you going?" Cam asked "to the vending machine, want something?" I asked "no I'm good but thanks" he said I walked over to it and got some Cheetos for later. I still had my hot chocolate and met cam in the door way since we were leaving

Cams pov

Seeing Chloie in my clothes is a real turn on. especially when she's in my merch. we got in the cars and we were going to Minnesota today and right now we are going to the airport. chloie decided to go with mahogany in the other van so Taylor Matt Nash carter and I are in here. matt hasn't really been acting himself. I know he's mad I got her but there is no need to act like this. "hey matt?" I said and he just looked at me "are you ok?" I asked "think of it this way, if I got her instead of you how would you feel" he said and looked back at his phone. wow I never really thought of it that way, and it upset me at the thought of not being with her. now I really miss her "your not alone matt" Taylor said fake crying. we all laughed and surprisingly matt did too. "but matt you also got to think of it this way, you would be happy with her if you got her and you would feel bad is I acted like you" I said "yeah I'm sorry bro, I'm glad she's happy with you" he said. well I'm glad I got that off my chest. We finally arrived and I hurried out of the car and went through the crowd of people to find my girl. I saw her with her back turned to me and I ran to her, grabbed her and spun her around she laughed "hey babe" I said into her hair "hey handsome" she said hugging me back. "you guys ready?" mahogany asked "yeah let's go!" I said grabbing my duffle bag and guitar when we walked in there were some fans there. they asked to get a pic of me and Chloie and I could tell Chloie loved it. We finally got on the plain and Chloie went on and sat down and I moved my bags up. I was about to sit by Chloie when Taylor sat there. I have him a look "here Chloie can sit in the middle" he said picking her up and putting her there. she laughed at Taylor's actions and looked at me. I smiled and sat down next to her. I think she could tell I was a little mad so she grabbed my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder. I moved to a more comfortable position so I had more access to Chloie. She wrapped her arms around my torso and snuggled into my body and fell asleep. i looked over and saw Taylor staring at her and then he looked at me "sorry" he said. I half smiled and then he looked out the window. I started to snapchat and I took a picture of Chloie and I. for the pic I kissed the top of her head and put '❤️ the bae is so tired ❤️' and posted it. Chloie started to move a little so I rubbed her back and she stopped. we were getting really close to our destination and I was really hungry. a hour later and we landed. "Chloie time to wake up" I said kissing her cheek "just a little longer" she said hugging me tighter "looks like we have to do this the hard way" I said and picked her up. she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I grabbed a duffle bag and Taylor helped me with the others. Chloie is seriously as light as a feather. When we got to the lobby some fans came up to us and when they saw Chloie they 'awed'. I could tell Chloie was waking up from the noise because she pulled her self into my body trying to get away from the noise and bright lights, but since she couldn't she lifted her head up realizing where we were. she kissed me wrapping her arms around my neck again. I heard a bunch of phone cameras and then Chloie pulled away. I put her down and she turned to the girls "hey guys!" she said and started taking pics with her. Bert yelled at us to come on "sorry guys but I have to take her with me" I said grabbing her waist and pulling her into me. she held my hand as we were walking "here let me take that" she said grabbing her guitar and duffle bag. we walked outside and it was freezing. snow was falling from the sky and the ground was slick. Chloie was ahead of me and was with mahogany and I was with Nash "so how are you and chloie?" Nash asked "great man, she's everything I could ask for and she's an amazing person" I said "yeah, you think it's going to last?" he asked "if it keeps going like it is I think it will last forever...bro I think I love her" I said speaking the truth "that's a really big word bro, you think you should tell her?" he asked "I don't know, what if she doesn't say it back?" I asked "well then give it some more time and if she really loves you she will say it" he said. I nodded my head and looked forward. Chloie wasn't with mahogany any more. I walked up to mahogany "hey where's chloie?" I asked "relax, she went into Starbucks" she said "with who?" I asked "no one" she said back. I ran across the street to Starbucks and found Chloie ordering her stuff "hey beautiful" I said wrapping her in a hug. "hey handsome, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come but it looked like you were talking to Nash so u didn't want to interrupt" she said "it's ok, I will just get something and pay" I said ordering something "oh it's ok I have money" she said getting ready to pay. I handed the cashier money and made Chloie put hers away. "thanks" she said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. "no problem" I said and held her hand on the way out. we met up with the rest of the guys and walked to the vans to go to the hotel.

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