Hell... (Chapter 1)

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Anna's POV:

I woke up to a sunny Monday morning,ughh.school time,bully time,hell time...

I got up from the bed,and stand up and went to my bathroom and did my normal usual routine,I went into my normal closet and changed into a white shirt,blank white shirt,and short jeans short,with red vans,it doesn't match at all LOL,anyways I went downstairs and ate some cereal,then i took my pink bike,since the school is really near my house,like 5minutes away,I ride my pink bicycle,and after 5 minutes I reached the school and parked my bike in the bicycle spot,where people park their bicycle,anyways,I got out of my pink bicycle and into the school,thank god I'm not late,I walked into the hallways to see justin and Chaz and Ryan staring at me as usual

"Stop staring at us you little stupid girl"Justin says

"Your the one stating not me"I say as I continue walking ignoring them

"You'll see what is going to happen to you after school stupid" Justin shouts

I walk into my science classroom

"have a seat Anna"Mrs.Kylie Says

I took a seat of course Next to Kevin,Kevin is Justin's friend,he doesn't bully me,he's kind and nice,but if he hangs out with me Justin will do revenge on him,even though he didn't do something bad to justin ever...

"Hi"Kevin says

"Hello"I say

"Okay class,Today we will be learning about potions"Mrs.Kylie says

Everyone groaned in madness (if that makes sense loooool)

"No groans"Mrs.kylie shouts

As Mrs.kylie talks about potions,I was taking notes until,a knock came on the door

"come in whoever you are"Mrs.Kylie says

Then Principle Martiner Came with a boy,I guess he's a new boy...

"Sorry to disturb your class Mrs.Kylie but this is Calum he's a new student so all of you respect him in manners"principle Martiner says as Calum I guess his name came in slowly...:)

"okay Calum go have a seat next to Ribey"Mrs.kylie says,Ribey is a girl who has a crush on justin like ewww...

*skip to lunch time*

I take a tray and go put some food in my plastic plate as I was finished I walked to find an empty table,as I was walking Justin bumbled into me by purpose I guess,and my food and my coca-cola fell all over me to ruin my dress,everyone started at me and some just laughed

"Oops"justin says as he walks past me and Chaz and Ryan following behind justin,then the people continued what they were doing,suddenly Calum came to me...

"Hey you alright?"Calum says

"Yeah I'm fine"I say shyly

"Here let me help you"Calum says

Calum helped and cleaned everything

"Thank you so much Calum"I say as I hug him

"Your welcome"Calum says

"Maybe we could hang out sometime?"I say nervously about what he is going to say

"Sure"Calum says

Me and Calum exchanged numbers,we sat together at the lunch table,I've notice that Allison wasn't here today,I'll text her later

as me and Calum we're eating lunch together justin came to our table with Chaz and Ryan

"Look at that new kid hanging out with that stupid Anna" Justin says

"Hey she's not stupid give a little respect"Calum says,uh oh...

"Don't you dare talk to me like that understood?"Justin says as anger fills his body from the look of his face

"Whatever"Calum says,as justin and Ryan and Chaz left to their table

"Can I ask you a question ally?"Calum says

"Sure"i say

"Does he bully's you please be honest"Calum says

"Y-yes"I say nervously

"Why?you deserve respect your too beautiful to be bullied"Calum says

His words made my day,he's so sweet and kind,and amazing...

"Thank you Calum but I don't know why he bully's me it all started last year I haven't done anything wrong to him"I say sadly

"It's alright don't be sad I'm always on your side"Calum says

"Thank you Calum it means so much"I say

*after school*

(If your wondering Calum in this story is as Calum hood from 5SOS btw he's not famous in this story)

I want out of school and made my way to my pink bicycle,then I noticed my tires were broken and not pumped

"Ugh"I say loudly

I heard giggles and laughs behind the tree

"Well well looks like someone will go walk back home"Justin says as Chaz and Ryan laughs

"You did this didn't you?"I say

"Payback ally payback"Justin says as he smirked in an evil way

"Just go away"I say

As justin and Ryan and Chaz continue walking

"Hey anna something wrong?"Calum says

"Everything is wrong"I say

"Why?"Calum says

"Justin broke my tires for my bicycle"I say

"Don't worry I'll take you home"Calum says as he carries my bike and puts it in the trunk of his white land rover

"Thank you so much Calum I couldn't ask for a better friend"I say as I hug him from the side and he hugged me back

*skip to ride home*

"Is this your house?"Calum says as he stop in front of my house

"Yeah thanks a lot"I say

"No problem,I'll fix your bike"Calum says

"No it's fine don't waste you money"I say as I got out of the car and to calum's trunk

"I won't open it cause I will fix your bike"Calum says

"Okay fine"I say

"Good"Calum says

"Bye Calum text me later we could hang out tomorrow maybe?"I say

"Tomorrow is fine bye beautiful"Calum says as he drives off

I blushed from how he called me beautiful I go inside my house unlocked my front door and went and sat in the couch,Calum was so kind and nice to me,he defended me today,he's a really good person,a good friend soon to be my other bestfriend...today was amazing except justin that ruined everything but Calum cheered me up...

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