• XVII •

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Hey man, wow what happened to you?" Chris asked once Grayson walked into their apartment later that night. Grayson grunted as he moved another piece of his hair that was drenched in his food, along with his clothes. But he didn't get the worse of it like he had hoped. After Corey threw her drink at Ava's face, she spilled not only food on Grayson but on Ava as well, resulting in her going to the emergency room because her food was still hot and it landed on her lap and part of her stomach. Yes, Corey came back into the restaurant just to do this.

"Ava and I told Corey about the baby and she's not too happy as you can tell," He mutters taking off his once clean shirt off and fisting it into his hand.

Chris let's out a low whistle shaking his head as he sits himself up on the couch. "I guess you tried it in a public place?" Grayson nods his head his stomach feeling sick as the enchilada sauce was still in his nose burning it in the process.

"Look man, I need to go clean up, but you should stay the night with Ava, she really needs someone." Grayson said rubbing at his burning nose.

"You sure? I don't want to over step any boundaries." Chris said as Grayson nods his head.

"Yeah dude, I'm okay with it."

Chris nods his head and walks over to where his hoodie was hung up. After putting it on he shoves his phone and keys in the pocket before turning to Grayson and giving him one formal nod before leaving the apartment. Once Grayson knew he was gone by the sound of the door locking, he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text to Corey.

Grayson: I know you're mad but what you did was uncalled for. You burnt Ava with her still hot plate. You could have harmed the baby, you're so lucky that the doctor said that she would be okay.

He sat his phone down on the bathroom counter and stared at the mess his ex-girlfriend created his brown hair was an ugly red, his clothes had meat sitting on his shoulder and right smack in the center of his shirt was the stain of a once edible looking enchilada was.
His phone buzzed from the counter and his eyes darted towards it, a scowl forming at the cruel words.

Corey: Oh get over yourself Grayson, not everything is about you and news flash, Ava deserved it and so does your pathetic baby

•••||| •••

Ava laid on her bed, the ice pack that the doctor from the ER gave her was gently placed against her abdomen where her small burn was. She was wrapped in Chris's arms as they laid together watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2. Her nose was still runny from all the tears she cried from Corey's revenge, though she probably did deserve it.

A Drunken MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now