Days Of Late

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It was a quiet morning at the B&B and Artie was impatiently waiting for the team to gather at the table. Myka showed up first, then Pete with his mouth full as he was finishing his breakfast. Claudia and Steve joined them shortly after. Artie handed over the folders that contained the details of the current case. They were mostly medical files, a couple of which seemed very old. As soon as Pete set eyes on the complicated medical terms he closed the file again, not even bothering to try to understand what it was about. Myka seemed interested in the medical jargon, however, so now Pete was leaning towards Myka to peek because honestly he wanted to know what had finally managed to catch her attention after the last few days. He was also internally grateful for a new case because he had been bored out of his skull for the last couple of days. Any case at that point seemed like fun and he knew Myka could use the time out. Working distracted her and she was in need of a distraction like yesterday. Artie began speaking.

"These files were given to Mrs. Frederic by a very concerned third party. Each one of the patients in those files has gone comatose after encountering a very old fountain pen and soon after they disappeared leaving no trace behind.”

“So, someone steals comatose people,” Pete said in his usual voice.

“Could be to sell them on the black market” Steve replied and Claudia didn't hesitate to make an “ew” expression at the comment.

Pete then said “But why would people want to buy comatose people? Doesn't that cost a bunch of money, you know, to keep them that way?”

Steve turned to him with a confused look on his face and then Myka finally spoke using that tone she uses with Pete when she's losing her patience.

“The organs, Pete!” giving him a stern look like she couldn't believe he didn't get it the first time. Pete just made an “Ohhhh” with his mouth and nodded.

Artie just massaged his temples, trying not lose the little patience he had left. He began speaking in his best trying-to-keep-calm voice.

“We know where the artifact came from initially. It was given to a Journalist in London back in 1904 by Charles Wells”.

As soon as he mentioned “Charles Wells” Myka's eyes focused on him. Myka and everyone else on that table had heard that name before but to Myka it seemed more meaningful because of her connection with Helena. Helena. That name had been wandering around her head for a few weeks now non-stop. She had told Helena to be happy last time they saw each other because she knew that some part of Helena was just trying to have a normal life back in Boone. It had hurt to say that; she loved Helena but it was the right thing to do. She wanted Helena to be happy. She had recently learned that Helena and Nate were no more, but before she could attempt anything with Helena she also found out there was a Giselle, now. She felt like all her chances to get the girl had been lost. After the whole team being whammied into believing that Pete and her were in love she had honestly felt some sort of relief. Relief because she had been able to get over Helena, but then the moment the artifact was neutralized the destructive thoughts came back. “She didn't choose you” or “Why would you think she would choose you if she can do so much better than you?” She had been trying to stay busy to keep her thoughts in check after Boone; seeing movies with Claudia and Steve, watching any kind of sport with Pete, doing inventory in the warehouse and reading. But then she had found out about Giselle. Giselle had been the straw that broke the camel's back. She was fine with Nate but knowing Helena had broken up with him and instead of… Myka didn't know, coming back to her perhaps? Letting her know so she could be there for her? Myka had felt like she lost a friend too because their communication had decreased considerably. Helena was one of the closest friends she'd ever had and it hurt her deeply.

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