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After everyone left I went into the kitchen to help clean up. I filled the sink with some soapy water and threw in all of the dished from earlier.

I began to scrub the last plate, when I felt something warm on my neck.

"You didn't really think I forgot your birthday right?" Hyunjin mumbled into my shoulder.

"Kinda." I mumbled putting the dish away. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a kiss on the back of my neck.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry" He said, "I thought you knew what was going on."

I turned around in his arms so I was now facing him.

"I started to get worried when you got mad at me but Chan told me you were just playing along." He pouted and ran his hand through my hair.

I sighed, I couldn't stay mad at him, "it's okay, I guess it was kind of stupid to think you forgot my birthday." I said. I walked further into his arms and wrapped him into a hug.

"So we're okay now?" He asked into my hair.

"We were never not okay." I laughed looking up at him. I saw him physically sigh.

"Let's go upstairs." He said, grabbing my hand.

"Babe, I'm not done cleaning up." I protested, confused as to why he wanted to got to bed so early.

"That can wait baby, it's your birthday remember." He smirked and he pulled me up the stairs. Once I realized what he was getting at my face turned bright red. I thought back to our failed attempt last time, and hopefully Woojin won't be needing any favors tonight.


Y'all ain't even ready for the next chapter

Also sorry for the short chapters lately lol

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