Chapter 2 : The Decision

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"Fuck we should run!" Travis yelled 

As they ran more into the woods, Ben started to worry

" *Puff*  shit I think we ran a bit too far!" 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Yelled the man in a very far distance.

"Oh god...more walkers will be attracted to the screaming...which means they will be heading our way in every direction!" David panted. 

As they took huge breaths  Ben saw a shiny object by the side of the tree.

"Ah.." He thought

As Ben walked to the dark spruce wood tree without telling Travis or David about where he was going. He was just to focused at looking for the object.

Ben was a far distance from Travis and David but Ben didn't seem to notice.

"Oh shit...a Tomahawk...." He said nervously .

Ben reached for the Tomahawk and turned around .

"Aw shit...two pathways" He was really nervous now. 

Ben noticed a dead body on the ground which was cut open near the stomach. 

Then he walked a little close to the dead body. He nelt down to the body and started to wonder that this body was the same person from his school.  

"What the...AHHHHHH!" Ben screamed 

The Walker went ontop of him and started to try to bite him but  Ben had his  hands on the chest of the Walker.

Ben quickly grabed the Tomahawk and stabbed the Walker multible times in the head.

"Ben! are you okay!?" David ran out through the bush with Travis 

Ben quickly checked the pockets of the Walker and found a Name Card 

"His name is Dan Pokens" Ben said 

"So which way Ben?" David said calmly 

OKAY guys this is the Decision time if you choose left, comment and i'll make another Chapter in another book so you can read from their 

And if you choose right keep reading.

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