Leveling up! (2)

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After one month time of cultivating inside the mysterious cave Hua Heng who is full of  dust finally stands up.Her silky night hair drapes on her shoulders and back like a fountain,her slender body was slimmed a Little making her curves more seductive luring any man to look and wanting them to touch,her face become more sharp contouring her jaded face ,and her obsadian eyes glows more with a specks of crystal white around her irises making her eyes more mysterious and attractive.Overall, her appearance gradually altered into that of an immortal who had just descended from the mortal realm. And, judging by her face and form, she clearly exudes the atmosphere of a cultivator on the verge of bursting through.

"Looks like I really breakthrough ah! Hmph! What's my level now?"

"What happened to little bun,right now?"she wondered so she pats her dusted clothes and entered to her space

As she stepped on the land,she quickly saw a little garden full of spirit herbs shining under the bright Sun and a little turtle who is happily nipping two leafy spirited  leafs  with a basket full of other spirit leafs.

Of course, the smiling Hua Heng who wants to greet her cute servants becomes black her face becomes black with her perfect aligned brows meeting at the center of her forehead and eyes spitting dark stares.

This servant is really seeking punishment! Then as her master I will full fill it! You glutton!

The little bun that is unaware of her  master is happily eating the spirit leaves while humming.

"You glutton! I told you not to eat too much of the herbs didn't I warn you ah!"a thunderous roar was heard

Stunned, the little bun Happy face  distorted and a trace of fear can  be seen


She quickly flew up her body and was about to run from her scary master when Hua Heng caught her belt flanking her on her lap and pulling the buns pants showing her white butt again.The little bun can't help to cry with no tears streaming on her chubby face.

Only a crisp of *pah*  and a sorrowful cries can be heard on the silent dimension.On the side of the lush garden their is a woman who is wearing white silk simple dress and a little pink clothed girl with her red butt cheeks laying on the woman's lap that is pleading mercy on her master can be seen. The woman's face was slightly dark with a pleased and satisfied look of her jade face as she saw her masterpiece.

"Now do you learn your lesson?"she sternly ask

The little bun quickly pull her pants and let out a mournful cry as her butt stings as the cloth came in contact on her red butt cheeks.Meimei's tear stained face looks at her master with a glare and with snouts," Master ah Meimei is just tasting the leaves ah master misunderstood this servant quickly ah see! My butts swells and it stings can master see meimei pitiful? This servant only eats little leaves not seeds ah!"

Ruo Hua Heng raised her brows and look amused at her seething red faces servant with am word,"I am accused wrongly" on her chubby face.

"You're not eating the seeds yet you dare to eats the leaf? And it is not little but you eat a whole basket?! Now tell this master why should I can't spank you ah! Do you know that this leaves is worth thousands and tenths of holds in the outside world ah! And you glutton just pig it like a candy?!" She coldly said and about to catch the pink Loli in the air when the pink Loli flew away from her reach and cried

"Wahhhhhhh! Master please calm down ah don't be angry anymore ah this t-this turtle will really obey master ah Meimei learned her lesson Wahhhhhhh don't spank my butt again huhuhuhuhu" she wails and flew on her master's thigh again and look at her with puppy eyes

How can the soft hearted Rou Hua Heng refuse as she saw the sinful face of her servant throwing on her?

Dan not! How can she be so cute?! Look a she always torture me with her sparkly chocolate eyes and round soft face ah this is so sinful sinful enough!

With a deep sigh she forgive the cute servant and started their conversation.

"You raised the herbs greatly and they seems full of vitality,what levels are these herbs now?"

"Master this herbs are over the rank 5 and 6 and they can still grow ranks as we continue to nourish them"

Rou Hua Heng was satisfied at the results and then she frowns again. Little bun saw her master's contorted face and with an concern voice,"Master is there a matter?"

"Hmmmmm...it's just like these I know that my cultivation rise up a bit and because I was prolonged in cultivating my levels only raised two levels but deep inside something is not right........on my body"

"Master can I Check your Yin body?"


Meimei put her finger in the centr of Hua Heng's forehead and a small green light surged fort and Hua Heng feels an unknown energy spreading all over her veins and after a minute Meimei open her eyes with wonder.

"Master you-"


To  be continued^^

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