Chapter Two

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Hurricane season felt as though it had come a month early on that hot May evening. Streets were either flooded and closed,or slicked with water. Every few miles, one was bound to pass a withered branch, blown away from its tree by powerful winds. The downpour created a sort of hazy air , making it nearly impossible to see ahead even two feet. No cars to be seen anywhere. Everyone was waiting for the storm to die down before going home. All but two coworkers.

"Honeslty, it's been a kind of fixation as of recently. I check pricing, housing.. I even look up undergraduate programs that nearby schools have," Roger casually dropped it in the middle of a conversation about Jamie's 3 year old son, who was most likely at home waiting for him mom to get off of work.

Jamie blinked at the sudden change of subject.

"...So let me get this straight. You really want to leave the store? Leave all your friends and shit? Where are you going to even go?" Jamie frowned without looking to her friend. He had just told her that going back to school was still on his mind, after she thought she shut down this pipe dream long time ago, after promising the idea would never cross his mind again. She was so angry that she couldn't even make eye contact, feeling her face getting hotter and hotter with each passing second. She finds him a nice apartment and a well paying job, and this is the thanks she gets? Roger quitting and going off, thinking he's better than her? If she could deal with the trials of life- like raising a kid and working shitty hours-without a second thought, then he could too.

They had been driving to her place, a small complex located on the outskirts of town. It wasn't to be mistaken for one of those other " poverish communities", (as Jamie had once insisted), however, it wasn't Beverly Hills either.

For the last twenty minutes, and Roger's eyes were steady on the road ahead, trying his best not to lose focus. Rain beat down on the poorly lit back road and the roof of his car. Thunder occasionally growled, and lighting would illuminate the cloudy sky. "Just a thought. It's been on my mind lately. I just don't want to be ..trapped y'know? Like economically. I like the money but...y'know we cant stay at the store forever..." his voice trailed off.

"Stop thinking so irrationally! There's no need taking such a silly risk. You're happy at the store aren't you?" Her voice was half angry, half pleading.

Roger began to reflect on the job. He thought of how Jamie and his other co workers looked down on him, the poor buisness, the frequent but abysmal paychecks. How because of this job, his life had become a series of repeated actions, all now meaningless. There was no excitement, nothing to really look forward to.

"..Haha, yeah.. I am. You know unreasonable," He lied, wanting to drop the topic before it spiraled into a fight, which would either end in Jamie yelling or crying. Like always. His main concern was staying focused on the road. Driving in these conditions tended to be suicide.


They drove a few more miles without a word being spoken.Tension was still in the air. The only sound was the radio, which was full of static, which it always was. It needed repairs. After several minutes of trying to make out a hint of song , Jamie turned the volume all the way down, deciding it was only making things worse. (Which it was). It was only a reminder that Roger needed to get it fixed, something he couldn't even afford, only proving his point even further.

A wave of thoughts ran through her head. Were they really meant to move on with their lives one day? Where would she go? What would he do?

This pissed her off.

"Pull over."

"What? Why? We have like, less than ten minutes to go."

"Exactly. I can walk the rest of the way."

"Do you see that downpour? It's a hurricane! No way!"

Jamie became quiet, Roger glanced away from the road to look at her, just for a brief moment. He was expecting anger, but instead was greeted with the look of bitter defeat. The red headed boy couldn't help but wonder was going on in the blonde girl's mind... his eyes stayed glued to her steadily for a few more moments.

"Jamie, listen. We-" Roger intended to try and reason with her. Possibly consider her son in the matter. But, his words were cut short by the sound of a horn from up ahead.

Upon looking up, the image of two quickly approaching headlights filled the car. A branch had fallen on the other side of the road, and the driver was forced to go around it, directly into their lane.

The girl looked up quickly,her eyes growing wide with shock."Is he... on the wrong side of ..the hell- Roger watch out!" She grabbed the wheel from him and swerved violently to the left, going off the road.


Everything after that was really a blur-A series of events which melted together, and it was impossible to know where it began or ended. There was a scream.. maybe his..maybe hers.. everything shaking violently.. were there sirens? He couldnt remember. Definitely ringing in his ears.

Roger remembered opening his eyes and seeing that they had gone off the road into a ditch. Something warm ran from his nose and mouth.

He looked over to the passenger seat, and was surprised at the sight of Jamie outside the overturned vehicle, reaching in to grab his hand. She was screaming something, but it was all drowned out. Roger opened his mouth to speak, toet her know he was there, but a sharp pain ripped through his body, knocking all the air out of him.

"Cold.." it was the only thing to escape him.

He could feel Jamie tugging violently on his arm. A bright light filled his vision.

As he lay there, helpless and dying in the rain, Theo eagerly awaited his release.

Limbo: Part One Where stories live. Discover now