The Point

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Tsuna stands in the corner of the infirmary, looking over his unconscious friends. A frown makes his way across his face.

Ryohei was unconscious from the surgery on his arms. Lambo had passed out upon entering the building. Mukuro and Chrome were still out from the fight. Yamamoto and Gokudera haven't awoken since the infection of foriegn rain flames sunk in a few minutes after the battle. Lal, who was too tired to even stand, was on a bed near Collonello, who hadn't woken up since the battle. Neither were anything near conscious.

They were all hurt. And it was all his fault.

"Stop that, Dame-Tsuna."

He snapped his head towards the source. Reborn was sitting up in his bed his glare lit up by the moonshine seeping in.

Tsuna turned away from him."Stop what, Reborn?"

"Blaming yourself."

This caused Tsuna to return his glare. "But it is my fault! If I hadn't been out there... If I hadn't been in this time, no one would have-"

"Survived. No one would have survived, Tsuna. You saved the rest of us."

"But there wouldn't be a need to save you if I hadn't been there!"

"It doesn't matter. Those idiots would follow you to the ends of the earth."

"That shouldn't have to happen! Look where that's gotten them! Yamamoto, Gokudera, and Ryohei have broken arms! Colonello's skull is cracked! Chrome's existing organs are damaged! Mukuro has a damaged windpipe and a hole in his stomach along with Hibari! They wouldn't have gotten hurt if it wasn't for m-"

"They wouldn't be in the best position either. Yamamoto would have probably jumped. Lambo would have failed his mission and probably gotten killed by the Bovinos. Chrome wouldn't have Mukuro who would still be with the Vindicare. Hibari would have probably taken more than he could chew, along with Gokudera." They hadn't gotten closer in their arguement, Tsuna collapsing into the chair by their bed.

"You saved them so they will save you. And there's nothing you or I can do to stop it. So stop worrying." Tears well up in Tsuna's words when he hears Reborn's words. He feels a hand on his head.

"You did well, Tsunayoshi."

I'm sorry it's short. I have the plot in my head but getting it down is harder than it sounds...
Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
See ya next time!

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