Queen Devona

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( before I start this this is being typed on my phone soo autocorrect sucks Ktnxbai )

"Why do you want me?" I coughed.

"Oh dear (y/n), I want you to be my little servant. For it will saves your friends life...!"

Devona smirked.

'I need to get out of here. I need my weapons..'

"You won't get your weapons, so dreaming will be your only way to get out of this."

She giggled.

"you can read my mind?" I asked, more scared than ever.

"Mmmhhmm." She giggled and twirled her fingers.

"Now, let me just knock you out...! Hehehha!"

She cackled and threw what seemed to be one of the most elegant weapon ever.

Then everything went black. A deep scary black.

Those Crimson Eyes. (Soul x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now