l u s t

29 2 0

A touch
His touch
Synchronized with his breath I feel mine
My body is screaming
I remain silent

My lips form a goofy smile
My eyes are shining
Looking at the floor
Too scared to search his

My dreams have his form
My thoughts have his form

I feel every little cell of my body tensed
My stomach is filled with bubbles
I hold my breath

Unable to move
Unable to talk
Unable to look away
Unable to feel anything else but tension

I am angry with myself
Angry because I couldn't talk
Angry because I hadn't control of my body
Angry because he isn't mine

I seek refuge in his smile
I seek passion in his eyes
I seek feelings in his touch
I seek vibration in his breath
I seek him
I can't help but seek him

And this is lust
A powerful feeling
A deep desire
A need

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