I think the world is falling into a deep hole of darkness, People are being filled with hatred and selfishness, Don't try to deny it. Just think, has someone gotten something you really wanted? Have you wanted to just go up to them and grab it? Keep it for yourself? Have you gotten mad at someone and wanted to beat them up? Or even worse, actually did? Have you gone to get someone something but instead gotten yourself it? Or maybe you took the biggest slice of pizza. Has someone gotten a raise or anything really, but you feel jealous thinking that you deserved it, whatever it was. You hated them for it, didn't you? Maybe you bullied them, by spreading rumors, calling them names, making fun of them. Or bulling them physically. All of these are small, but they all add up. If instead, we think, "what can I do instead of this?"ACTUALLY DID JUST THAT, maybe, just maybe we can change the world for the better.