chapter 2

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we are all sitting here with bella and i cant help but feel prptective of her. she is so small and has us all wrapped around her finger she started to cry and i heard esme get a bottle so i just cradled her and rocked her then esme came and feed her. alice came and took her so her and rose can change her clothes. eward yes can you hear bellas mind carlise askes me no i can not i wonder why? i have a theoery when she becomes like us she will be a shield. who said she will be like us i ask carlise said. edward she will have to or the volturi. emmet said yes but we have plenty of time so can we talk about it in a few years.

edward i heard alice call in my mind the denalis are coming oh great carlise the denalis are coming. get bella down here now. we were sitting there when we heard the car pull up and waited they came up to the door and carlise anwsered it hello tanya kate irina carmen and elizear hello everyone. tanya came over hello edward what is that a human yes i found her in the woods.i heard in everyone mind

tanya- great look at the way he clings to the baby like he thinks. that is his mate but it is me

kate- what a cute baby

irina- aww i wonder if i can hold her

carmen and elezear- beautifil

yes irina you can hold you go she coooed over her then kate the carmen and elezear.

tanya said edwars can we talk i guess so we went for a walk

why are you clinging to the child you should be hugging me since im your mate. i looked at her and said you are not my bella is

she thought how can he be mated to a baby that disgusting i told her it isnt like that it is best friends till she gets to the age of 17. she said we will see about that you are mine and left to go to the house so i quickly followed.

what will tanya do? if any one has any ideas they would like for me to put in my story please im me thank to all my readers.

baby bellaWhere stories live. Discover now