Previously:Symurks ,Gim and Tachi went to the mall ,Tachi chased a thief and she knows who it is
????:Good to see you Tachi
Tachi:Not good to see you kiken
Tachi grabbed the purse and kiken's hand and dragged him to the the police
Police:Thank you miss we'll take it from here
Tachi:Oh ma'am here is your purse*hair turning pink*
????????:Thank you
Tachi:Your welcome
????????:I have a question how are you so powerful
Tachi:It's in my D.N.A
????????:Are you going to apply into an academy
??????:Apply for magic academy *she left*
suddenly tachi's phone rang and she answered but the sound of her unnie shouting made her moving her away from her ear
Symurks:Beach where are you
Tachi:Umm witch's love fashion
Symurks:You better get your witchy butt here in 5 minutes before I tell your brother you have a boyfriend
Tachi:BUT I DON'T!!!!!!!!*hair turns purple*
Tachi:I'm coming
Tachi hung up and ran to her brother's restaurant,soon she arrived
Gim:Tachi over to here
Tachi went over to her friends who are very annoying
Tachi:You know i really hate you symurks
Symurks:I know
Shinzo:Oh my little sis is here
Symurks:I don't think you should go to graduation tomorrow
Symurks:This is why
Symurks showed tachi her phone
Symurks:But is he your boyfriend
Tachi:He is not my boyfriend
Tachi:That's it,I know talking is blessing but also a curse now can you shut her up*hex +hair turning orange*
shinzo:Wow your just like mom
Tachi:I don't care she needed to shut up
Gim:Can we eat now
Symurks:Mmmmmmmmmmmmm*I hate you*
Tachi:Hate you too*smiles*
Gim:How did you understand her
Tachi:I'm a witch
Shinzo:What would you like to order
Tachi:Ok unicorn bubble surprise,Magic fries,electric shock poison,pearl milk tea
Gim:Just a koko puff and magic fries
Shinzo:Coming right up and what about you symurks
Tachi:She said poison black tea,peaches and cream,chocolate wings
Shinzo:Ok your orders will be here shortly
Shinzo left and the girls started talking
Symurks:Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm*why are you and kiken together*
Tachi:Why are talking about it ok one he is a thief ,two i tried to bite his head off three he's a bastard
Gim:yah stop cursing
Symurks:Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*You two are already cutest couple*
Tachi:I hate my life
Gim:look on the bright side we're graduating
Tachi:Well yeah and i am never going to him again
Symurks:Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*Why do you hate kiken so much*
Tachi:I have my reasons
Gim:I still don't get how your understanding her
Tachi:And again I'm a witch and i cast the spell
Gim:Ok i get it not
Tachi:How are we even friends
???:Well hey babe
Who called tachi babe find out in episode three