~Chapter One~

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Ocean's Pov:

I woke up early this morning so ii could leave before Kristen woke up to hit me again ii went to the shower and began to strip from my clothes leaving me with nothing on and stepping into the shower. As ii felt the hot water hit my back it felt good but at the same time soo bad because hot water just burns the bruises thet Kristen put on my entire body..as ii began to wash all the remainders of the soap on my body ii hopped out and wrapped a towel around myself and began brushing my teeth when ii was finished ii picked out a hang off the shoulder infinity sweater and some black tights along wit some acceccories to hide my cuts and some black rinstone boots ii layed and set everything out on my bed and began to rub cherry blossom sented body lotion all over me. Finishing up ii put on my undergarments and sweater along wih my tights and boots,zipping up my last boot ii went to my bathoom and started to put my long hot red hair up in a mesy bun with hairpins and hair scrunches finishing my hair up ii then grabbed my american eagle sack with all my books and make up in it and blue iphone 5c and walked outta the door..quietley..

I bassically have to sneak outta the house because if ii wke Kristen or if she's already up she'll hit me and i'd have to add even more make up..ii got in my car which was a 450 mph Lexus Hybird and bagged out the driveway after about 10 mins ii pullled up in the drivewayand got out grabbing my sack and locking my door with the alarm on my keypad ii walked into school and went to my locker putting my things into it and grabbing my chemistry book for 1st hour as ii closed my locker the bell began to ring and the hallway cleared FAST as ii was walking to chamistry ii realized that the group that usally beats me up every morning wasan't here and it was a relief ii couldn't get through another beating..the whole day ~1st through 7th period~ ii went without getting teased and bullied and it was now time to go ii grabbed everything ii needed outta my locker and began to walk to my car as ii was getting in someone tapped me on my shoulder,once ii turned around and saw who it was ii was in complete terror..! it was all the kids who bully and beat me up..."Hey Ocean!" Riley. The leader of the "group" said... ii couldn't speak at all ii just stood there "You thought that you weren't gonna get a beatin today didn't uu?!?" she laughed with her "group" chiming in along..

I still stood there frozen until she punched me in my face.."GET HER.!" she screamed at her "group" which was their que to start beating me the kicked me,punched me,slapped me,and elbowed me.So uu can bassically say they beat me up in every which and way...after at felt like hours of  being beatin she finally told them to stop as ii was on the groung holding my ribs in pain she kneeled down to me a whispered bitterly "You better watch yourself Hill...cause ii will make you life a LIVING HELL.!" she walked away laughing with everyone as ii struggled to get in my car.Once ii was able to get in the drivers seat ii drove outta the parking lot on my way home praying that Kristen was gone after 15 mins of driving like a gandma because of the pain ii pulled up to see Kristen's car in the garage all ii could think was "O NO.." she beat me 100 times harder than the kids at school...ii grabbed my things and struggled to get out the car and make my way to the front door once ii opened it it reeked of alchool and cigarettes..

When ii stepped into the house Kristen was walking up to me once again in terror..."YOU WORTHLESS SLUT WHERE WERE YOU THIS MORNING?!?" she screamed at me with reeking breath "I-I had to leave early.." before ii knew it she was punching and kicking me all over and ii couldn't move my whole body was sore and in sooo much pain after about 25 mins which is shorter than my usual beating she stopped and ii ran upstairs and bagan to cry in the corner of my room with a blade...ii started to cut lines on my wrist and watch the blood drip and fall down my arm then ii thought of how ii couldn't stay here and packed a big duffel bag with my clothes and needs then a suite case with the same thing inside but ii also grabbed the money that ii had been hiding from Kristen dad left to me it was over 11 grand ii threw it in my suit case and packed until my suit case was flodded and full with clothes after packing ii went to the balcony and dropped my things down so that they fell on the ground.Then ii grabbed my car keys cause ii might cine back for it and put them in my pocket ii jumped off the balcony in pain and fell to the ground ii felt like absolute crap..! when ii finally had the energy to get up ii fast paced down the street unsure of where ii was going..ii needed to find a place to stay like a hotel or something ...

                                                                       ~3 hours later~

It was now very dark and ii had been walking for 3 hours.! and ii couldn't find a hotel anywhere in site..!! but then as ii was walking now in the pitch black dark outside a black monster truck pulled up to me and as ii looked over the passenger window was coming down "Hey Babygirl uu need a ridee?? the mysterious guy asked with a cigarette in between his pink plump lips ii couldn't really see his eye color but he looked strong and sexy! "HELLO..??." the mysterious guy said snapping me outta my thoughts.."Umm...no thamk you.." ii said and coninued to walk even though my feet and body hurted like hell..ii countinued to walk up away from the truck but he continued to driveup behind me.."Come on Babygirl..uu know it's dangerous for a girl like uu to be walking out here all alone by yourself... ii don't mean to scare you but..they do have some pervs.." okay ii have to admit when he said that ii got really scared but what if he is a kidnapper or someting?? "How do ii know YOUR not a perv or a kidnapper or something??" ii asked with a duhh tone he then chuckled "Idk Babygirl..ii guest you'll just have to trust me..." he said lifting his right eyebrow at this point ii really didn't care ii mean ii could just tell him to take me to a hotel or something..."Fine.." ii said and put my things in the back of his truck "Take me to a hotel.." ii demmand "Nahh..uu don't need to spend ur money on some hotel..uu can come home with me..and stay as long as uu want.." he said looking at me with a smirk ii looked into his eyes and saw that they were a beautiful brown...

I mean ii know this is dangerous but something kinda tells me he won't hurt me but ii wouldn't mind being in a house with this gut ii mean look at him..he's perfect..."Your name Babygil??" he asked "Ocean.." ii responded "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.." he said craking a smile.I tried my best not to blush to hard! "And yours..Mr.Flirt??" ii asked with a smirk he just chuckled "Justin.." ii nodded and began to just gaze out the window...then we pulled up at a HUMONGUS condo!      "THIS is ur house??" ii asked Justin who was getting my bags outta the back "Yup.." he responded simply "nn uu live here by yourself??" ii asked waking to the front door with Justin "Nahhh...ii have friends that stay with me too.." he said opening both of the doors revealing a beautiful big chandileir on the celing...everything was so pristine and clean.! "Let me show uu to ur new room.." Justin said and led me upstairs to a room that was bigger than my old one..! with a walking closet and a bathroom that looked like a house..! "WOW..! this condo is amazing Justin!" ii exaimed to him "Thankss O.." Justin said "O??" ii asked with a confused face "Yeah it short for Ocean.." he said smiling and showing off his pearly whites.! "Well okay..J..ii like it.." ii said making up a nick name of my own...we both chuckled and smiled then Justin said "Were all about to grab something to eat wanna come?? or do uu wan me to bring uu something back??" he asked "Uhhh...ii think im just gonna stay here and freshen up.." ii told him "McDonalds??" Justin asked "Yeah ii want 2 hot and spices and a small fry..hang on let me give uu the money.." ii said going to my suit case "No no no..ii got it.." he said "Justin you've already let me stay in ur home-" ii was saying but Justin cut me off.."No ii got it..ii insist.." Justin insisted..

"Thank you so much!" ii said greatfully "No problem.." Justin said with a smile then walked outta the room ii began to take my clothes out of my bag and suit case and put it in the droors after about 10 mins ii was done ii mean it really wasan't that much after ii was done ii decided to take a shower ii went into the oversize bathroom and turned on the shower ii stipped my clothes off then stepped into the shower and grabbed the soap and began to wash my entire body and rinse then step out ii wrapped a towel around my body and grabbed my toothbrush and tooth paste and began to brush my teeth then rinse out with mouth wash after ii put on my black cami muscle shirt and my short zebra print shorts but not to short then ii remembered that ii packed my zebra print uggs and ii slipped them on ii didn't really wanna watch tv so ii decided to rme the house as ii walked out of the room there was a room right next to mine with a keypad on the side of the door uu needed a code to get into the room ii couldn't think of anything until ii tried the address and the screen on the keypad read "Code Accepted." ii slowly walked into the room a little scared and turned on the lights ii couldn't believe what ii saw..it was nothing but guns and blunts and drugs and phones and micropones and alchool but mostly drugs....was him and his friends drug dealers...?? my heart was pounding faster than ever as ii walked up to the material and stared at it......

                                         WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO??....

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