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  When Jisung got to the nurse's office with Woojin, the nurse immediately ran over to ask why Jisung was hurt this badly.

"I hit my back onto the lockers when I accidentally slipped and fell" Jisung said.

He didn't know why he covered up the actual story with a lie. He probably should've gotten Minho in trouble but Jisung felt that he could change.

  The nurse led Jisung towards the bed and told him to lie down, his back facing upwards so she could check if he had broken anything.

Woojin kept on asking if Jisung was okay and was very worried if Jisung had broken a bone. Woojin even tried calling the others to tell them about the situation but Jisung muttered about how he didn't want to worry the rest of them.

Thankfully all the nurse found was a couple of bruises scattered over Jisung's back. She put some ointment on it to help reduce the pain and make it heal a bit faster.

"You're okay to leave for class now Jisung. I'll write you both a late note to give to your teacher." the nurse said.

"Okay. Thank you for helping me! " Jisung said back.

"Yes. Thank you nurse" Woojin also replied.

Woojin offered to carry Jisung's backpack since his back was injured. They also had the same class so it was convenient.

  When they both walked into the classroom, the teacher immediately yelled at the two.

"Where were you guys?! It's almost the end of the period! You better have a good excuse for missing my lesson!" The teacher screamed.

"I had to take Jisung to the nurse because he slipped and hit his back on the lockers. We both have a late note too" Woojin calmly spoke.

"Yeah yeah whatever just sit down" the teacher scowled. They quickly walked towards their seats and sat down.

Jisung realized that Minho was also in this class. He mentally screamed because he was still scared of him. However, he did say that he would try and be friends with Minho.

Jisung didn't know where he got this much confidence from and asked Minho, "Hey is your face okay? I'm sorry for hitting you so hard."

Minho looked so confused because it was odd that the person he just hurt decided to talk to him.

Minho replied coldly. "Stop talking to me you loser."

Jisung frowned and said "The others are right. You really are a big asshole."

"You should've listened to them and stayed away from me Jisung." Minho glared into jisung's eyes.


  Jisung walked into the library with a sour aura. He walked towards their usual table and sat in an empty seat.

"Whoa why are you so upset today?" Felix asked, concerned for his friend.

"Cause Minho's a big asshole and only knows how to curse at innocent people." Jisung replied, each word spiting out venom.

"Damn I told you so!" Felix exclaimed, angry for his friend.

"I'll fuck him up for you Jisung just watch me!"

"Haha, I doubt you can even fight with those scrawny arms of yours!" Jisung joked.

"Hey! That's rude, take that back right now!" Said Felix, offended at his friend's words.

"Or else what huh? You're gonna hit me? Jisung replied laughing.

"Oh hell yeah I will! Come here Jisung!"

Long story short, Felix chased Jisung down the halls until they both got tired and walked to their next class.

  Jisung walked to his next period class and was happy because he had fun with Felix.

He walked into the classroom with a neutral expression after realizing Minho is also in this class and sat down on his seat.

He was dreading Minho's entrance to the classroom and just put his head down.

Minho came in a few minutes after with a girl holding his arm and making out with him.

Jisung rose up his head and saw the scene and felt disappointment for Minho.

Jisung kinda thought that maybe some of the rumors could be wrong.

Whatever I guess he's actually a fuck boy. I'll just ignore him.

Minho walked to his seat and kissed the girl goodbye. He gave Jisung a smug face while kissing the girl.

Jisung was quite annoyed about the fact that Minho wanted to annoy him like this. Sure Minho was handsome to Jisung but he really had a shitty personality. Hell jisung would've even try dating Minho if it weren't for his attitude towards people.

Jisung just sat there with an annoyed face and didn't look or talk to Minho the entire period.

Minho just stared at Jisung in shock that nothing he did got a reaction he wanted from Jisung.

Just watch Jisung, I always get what I want.

Jisung tried storming out of the classroom when class ended but was blocked by Minho.

"Can you move out of my way, please? I need to go home now."

"You're coming with me whether you want to or not." Minho commanded.

"What makes you think I'm going to follow you?" Jisung sassed back.

"Because you're mine and I will get you to fall for me."


A/n ohh some more minsung moments :DDDD
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I know it sucked badly

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