Dinner (Part 1)

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*Mechi,Martina,Xabiani,Diego&Clari are at the restaurant. Martina is waiting for Peter to come and she is bored*

Mechi-I thought that Peter was coming?

Martina-Stop it Mechi. He will be here.

Diego-Yeah stop teasing her Mechi.

*Just then Peter comes in and kisses Martina on the cheek*

Peter-Sorry I am late. Just some work stuff.

Mechi-So come sit down and order because Tini insisted we wait for you and don't make us regret waiting.

Diego-Mechi! Take all the time you need Peter.

Peter-Thanks but I always come here and order the steak so I don't need to decide.

*Jorge walks in with his arm around a girl*

Clari-Hey is that Jorge?

*Jorge hears his name and turns around*

Clari-Jorge! Come over here!

*Jorge reluctantly walks over with his arm still around the girl*

Jorge-Hey guys.

Diego-Hey you know that you will have a long wait if you didn't make a reservation.

Jorge-Oh we really wanted to try this place.

Mechi-(Slyly) Why don't you both sit with us? We have a table for 8. See Jorge you can sit next to Martina and Peter.

*Martina scowls at Mechi*

Jorge-We don't want to impose.

Girl-But Jorge you promised that we would try this place!

Mechi-Yeah don't break your promise Jorge.

Jorge-Ok then.

*Jorge and the girl go sit and Jorge and Martina end up sitting next to each other.*

Mechi-So who your girlfriend there?

Jorge-This is Stephie.

Clari-Your ex?

Stephie-Yes we previously dated before but we broke up when Jorge started filming Violetta.

Mechi-So why did you get back together?

Stephie-Well I guess we just realised that we are good together. And when I found out about his breakup with Martina ,I gave him a call to see how he was.

Jorge-And I am glad you did.

Waitress-Are you ready to order?

Mechi-Yes 3 cheeseburgers,fries and 2 white wines and a coke.

Diego-Wow you are hungry!

Mechi-I was ordering for Clari,Tini and I!

Diego-I will have the lasagne and a beer.

Xabiani-I will have the same as him.

Jorge-I will have the steak and a beer.

Stephie-I will have the same as the girls but a vodka.


*Waitress walks away*

Martina-So Xabiani are you enjoying being on Violetta?

Xabiani-Yeah it's awesome.

Martina-What did you enjoy the most?

Xabiani-Easy meeting Mercedes.


Diego-Hey Martina remember that we have to go to the recording studio instead of going on set.

Martina-Oh yeah.

Peter-It's good that Diego mentioned it because I was going to take you out for lunch tomorrow.Why do you have to go?

Martina-Do record a duet with Diego.

Diego-I am glad because it will sound a lot better with your voice.


*Martina leans across the table,touches Diego's arm while smiling and Diego smiles back. Jorge and Peter stare obviously jealous*

Stephie-Hey waitress can I have another drink?


Jorge-Don't you want to slow down? That is your 3rd drink and the food hasn't come yet.

Stephie-Calm down! I am fine.

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