The Past that Haunts

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

————————————————Your POV:________________________________

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"Y/N?" I resist groaning after hearing Dracula call my name and slip my bookmark between the pages of my book on owls. I close it and set it on the table before looking his way as he enters my hobby room, slightly annoyed that he interrupted me. "Oh, good. I thought I smelled you here. I went to your room, but you weren't there." He gives a bright smile as I shake my head.

"Did you need something?" I ask, somewhat rudely, as I was not in much of a mood to be fed on tonight. Hopefully, he just wants make conversation.

"I was wondering if you would perhaps like to go outside; that is, if you aren't tired." My eyes widen in disbelief at his offer and stand abruptly.

"Don't play games! Are you serious?" I ask, hopeful. I haven't been outside in so long. This better not be a joke. Dracula chuckles and lightly nods his head.

"Yes. I thought you might like to enjoy the lovely night; although, I must warn you to stay on the property. The forest is dangerous, especially in the late hours. You must promise me you won't run off." I bite down harshly on the inside of my cheek. Had I not been informed that this is not the same world I am from, I probably would run off, but not knowing what roams the forest is enough to keep me put.

Dracula is not a harsh man, but who knows what kinds of monsters are out there waiting to catch prey in their claws. My silence ran too long and caused his smile to fade. "The woods stretch for miles. It'll take days to reach any villages, and even so, don't expect their residents to treat you kindly." He steps closer to me, and I look up at him fearlessly. "Assuming that you can even make it there before I or any other monster catches you. You best hope it is me who finds you first." I sigh in defeat and look down.

"Fine, I'll stay by your side."

"Good. I don't want to see you get hurt." He places a gentle hand on my head. "You will be safest on the grounds. I've taken measures to keep them out. I just don't want you making a stupid mistake at the risk of your life."

"I get it, already." I swat his hand away and step back to form more space. "I'll stay put."

"I'll make us dinner when we come back inside, then I'd like to feast." His fingers stretch out and caress my cheek down to the base of my neck, making me shudder under his cold touch.

"Again?" My tone makes it clear that I'm not looking forward to it, which causes him to give a comforting grin.

"Afraid so. You're just so tempting." The vampire licks his velvety, red lips while moving aside some strands of my loose hair.

"You always sound like a pervert when you talk like that." Annoyed, I push his hand away. "Can we go, now, before you attack me?" I don't wait for his answer, walking right past him as he giggles at my words. The man catches up to my side by walking with long strides and escorts me through the halls.

I can't help feeling excited and am sure to pay extra attention to every direction we go as we get closer to the exit I have been searching for my entire stay here. Eventually, we stand at the top of a staircase leading down into the foyer, and all I could focus on were those large, double doors that undoubtedly lead to the outside. Before I knew it, my feet were racing down the steps and I threw them wide open to be blessed by a breath of fresh, warm air. I stand there with eyes closed, savoring the scent of pine and the moonlight on my face. I snap out of my trance when my captor places a hand on my shoulder and look up at his kind smile.

"Do you plan on standing in the doorway all night?" I huff and roll my eyes at his comment before going ahead, ignoring the sound of the doors shutting behind us. The first to catch my eyes are the rosa canina bushes lined up on both sides of a dark, stone path that ends at towering, metal gates. A massive fence connects to it, wrapping around the entire property. The pale pink flowers looked lovely under the moonlight. I couldn't help but walk over to them.

"Do you like them?" Dracula asks while kneeling beside me to gently caress the soft petals. "One of my past blood bags planted them for me. She said they were her favorite." I give a small hum in response as he plucks the flower he had touched before holding it out for me to take. I accept it, avoiding his fingers to the best of my ability, which brings a light smile to his face as he returns his attention to the bushes. "Would you mind helping me pick a few?"

"What for?"

"I'll show you once they're picked." Normally, his vagueness would've made me refuse, but I'll admit, I'm am a bit curious to know what he plans to do with the flowers. With a near-silent sigh, I begin to pluck the flowers, and he quickly follows. By the end of it, our arms are full of them. I cradle them carefully to make sure I don't drop a single one. Dracula, then, stands, and I turn to him with a question.

"Now what?"

"Follow me," he says simply before leading the way. I trail behind the blood sucker around the castle to the back, feeling a bit frustrated by the lack of information, but then, I saw it. My feet froze and I nearly dropped all my flowers upon seeing rows upon rows of headstones. The creature realizes I stopped and turns around, ruby eyes glazed with a solemn look, though his smile never dropped. "Come on, I'll introduce you."

I remain in place, stunned while he continues his stroll through the cemetery. Only after it all sunk in did I continue after him, my heart feeling heavy. We stop in front of one of the many engraved headstones. "This is Monnie. She was a silent one, but very sweet and caring. She was the daughter of a baker and would often make me lovely cakes and breads." A twitch at the corner of his lips makes his smile grow as he seems to recall a pleasant memory he had of her.

"How old was she when you took her?"

"Thirteen. Her death was not of old age, though." He bends with a deep sigh to plant a flower in front of the stone. "She was ill, and I was unable to feed off of her, since it was a blood disease. I believe it's called anemia. Keep in mind, this was a long time ago, so there wasn't much I could do to help her. There were barely any treatments." Nimble fingers trace over the carved name, Monnie Radu, slowly— almost longingly— before he moves on to the next grave. My eyes linger on the headstone, but I do follow Dracula after a moment. "You remember Flora." Again, a flower is brought to the earth, but since he did not need to explain who she was, we move on. The third grave causes his expression to falter. The vampire gulps before speaking. "And, here's Charlotte."

"The girl who killed herself?" I mutter, knowing the subject is a little sensitive for him.

"Yes." His pain was as clear as glass, though his expression remains neutral. This was the girl who turned him into a nicer person, somebody who would like to please their food, rather than frighten them to death. I give a soft hum, examining the words written on the headstone. Beneath her name are the words, I'm sorry.

'So, he really does regret his actions, then.' The poor girl must've went through Hell living here. This time, I'm the one to present the deceased with flowers, emptying all the ones I held in my arms. I had to thank her somehow. What would've happened without her? Would Dracula have continued terrorizing his blood bags? What if he were to kidnap me with that sort of personality? I couldn't help but feel grateful for her sacrifice. She suffered, but she saved so many the pain of what she went through. Dracula looks at me in shock but soon a smile took its place.

"Thank you."

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