😏I'll do anything for her😏

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Y'all not ready for what about to happen and listen to this song too loves ❤️

Millie POV
I wake up to crying, finn wasn't on the end of my couch, I looked around for my phone to see the time, it was 3am, I then hear screaming
"STOP,GO AWAY, I'll never leave her", I jumped off the couch and ran to the screaming which was coming from my bathroom, I opened the door to see Finn's blood on the floor and he was shaking nonstop
"No Millie get out" he says I shake my head no, I go over to him and sit down to pick him up and sit him in my lap rocking back and fourth with him in my arms, he cried tears rolling down his face, the salty tears damned my sweater
"Shhh, baby" I says softly running my fingers through his hair, he sobbed, I look at his arms to see deep cuts, the blood almost pouring out of him
" Finn let me wrap your arm,please" I say he sits up still sniffing, with tears still appearing in his eyes, I looked over to him
"Finn we have to wash it off " he looks over and nodded, he gets up, walking over to me and giving me his cut up arm, I turned on the water and gently splashed it on his open cuts, he didn't even flinch, not even a little rejection, he just let the water clean, I turned off the water and grabbed some paper towel and gently pat the cuts, after I put some Neosporin and then wrapped it. He look at the wrap and his eyes watered, and he just sobbing hard
"Finn, baby come here" I say sitting in front of him on the floor, he slowly climbs into my lap, putting his arms around me sobbing, I rubbed his back
"Tell me what's wrong?" I say
"I just want to forget" he sobbed more
"Finn let me tell you something" he sits up from my arms and looked at me with blood shot red eyes
"You have to forgive" he looked confused
"In Oder for you to let go, you have to for give yourself because it was nobody's fault, that day you walked in and held you brother in your arms he realized how good of a person you were. I'm sure he's ok now he's not  hurting, he's still with you no matter what you do or were you go, finn he loved you a lot." I say he looked at me with a smile tears rolling down his face, I leaned in and kissed him on his forehead, I then grabbed his hand and standing up
"Wanna go to bed?" I say looking into his eyes, he nodded slowly, I walked to my room and I laid down and he looked at me and said
"Can you hold me"
"Yes come here" I say he climbs in the bed,wrapping me in his arms and his head buried into my chest and one of my legs on the bottom and his legs on top and my other leg on top of his, he cried until he went to sleep. I'll always be here for you finn wolfhard. I smiled to myself before running my hands through his  nice black curls and falling asleep

Finn's POV
I wake up into a beautiful girls chest, I had to pee bad but I didn't want to wake Millie, I'm gonna have to risk moving. I then shift out her arms, leaving the bed, I looked over to the sleeping girl she had an upset look on her face as if she knew I left, I remember I had to pee, so I ran to the bathroom, i opened the bathroom door and seen my blood Stained on the floor. I have to clean that up. I say to myself while I close the door and use it,a few minutes after I hear a knock at the
"Baby?" She says with a tired voice
"Yes,my love" I say as I wash my hands, then grabbing a paper towel to wipe the blood of the floor
"Ok good, your ok" I smiled and throwing the bloody towel away, I opened the to the girl I love with her big eyes looking at me,
"How did you sleep" she asked me
"Fine and you?" I said hugging her
"Good." I nodded
"I need to go to my house to change, I'll be back though" I say, she gives me an upset look
"I'll be fine baby" she nodded
"Ok love just be safe and call me if you need anything" she says, she kissed me for seconds and let go, she looked at me with loving eyes, I smiled and walked away to put on my shoes and get my phone, keys, before I leave I yelled
"BYE MILLIE" I then hear her running to the door and looking at me and said
"Love you finn" she blushed
"Love you too mills" I say she walks over to me and kissed me a little longer then before and I walked out and left. That girl, I would do anything for her.
(15 minuets later)
I get to my house I was about to put my keys in but my door was open already, my heart raced, I walk in to a familiar smell. Liquor.
"Oh hey Finn or should I say pretty boy" I looked over to my couch and see a girl, in a long black pea coat that was black and shiny, her legs crossed, I could see her heels that were black and shiny and pointed at the front and that back was high, she had red lips and bad makeup, with a drink in her hand. Maddie.
"Took you long enough" she said quietly
"Why the hell are you in my house" I say, she gets off the couch and walks over to me slowly
"Finn, I told Millie that it was my turn to play my card. So that's what I'm doing" she says with a smirk, she was about to touch me but I moved back
"Finn, do you love Millie" I was confused
"Yes of course, why" I say, I could see the crazy in her eyes
"Would you do anything for her?" I'm so damn confused
"Yes, anything, what does this have to do with you Maddie?" I say, she gives a small laugh, she walks over to the windows and look out.
"I'm asking the questions" she says
"If you want Millie to be safe then leave her" she says, my heart dropped
"WHAT, Are you high" I say with me voice cracking
"Nope, let me put it in a different way, I'm gonna get Millie alone with me and things will happen, let's just say things involving Jacob"
"But if-" I cut her off
"Please Maddie, why are you doing this?"I say about to cry
"Because it's fun, and I don't like seeing that bitch so damn happy" my blood boiled
"Anyway, finn if you really want to save her then leave her and be with me" I couldn't believe what she just said
"I love Millie, I really do but I don't want her to hurt" I say, tears fall
"Two people that's always sad shouldn't be together, she'll be better off without you and I'll show you things that she can't" she said all of this with a smirk, I don't wanna be with her, I only wanted Millie
"Ok have it your way finn, I'll call Jac-" I cut her off
"Ok but only if this keeps Millie from hurting, promise me that Jacob won't touch her" I can't believe what I just agreed to do but it was to keep mills safe and I'd do anything for her
"Great and I promise ok go on and tell her now,I'll see you when you come back and I want you to bring her hell when you tell her" she says
"I fucking hate you Maddie" she laughed,I walked out to my car and got in kicking and screaming and crying. I don't want to be with Maddie, I want Millie, but i don't want Jacob or Maddie to hurt her again.

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