nightmare control

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Chapter one

I was running, but that was only a brief description, I don’t think this counted as running. I felt like my lungs where going to burst, I needed air. My legs hurt so much that I was pretty sure when I stopped they would fall off. This “running” felt like the last thing id ever do. I was putting every last ounce of whatever was left of me into moving forward, and then all of a sudden I’m flat on my face. Crap, stupid me why did I have to trip now? I feel the wet mud on my face and the rain pouring on my back but that’s not what I was focused on right now. The only important thing at the moment was that I kept moving forward. I yanked myself back up but before I could move it was upon me. It’s eyes glowing like the moon, its huge sharp claws out it lunged. I waited for the pain. Nothing came, surely I was dead, it must have just happened so quickly that I didn’t feel it. I opened my eyes, exited to see what the after life was like. But when I opened them I realized I was in a bed, my bed.

Oh I thought. I couldn’t believe it. It was a dream. I was confused, it seamed to real to be a dream. I could smell all the smells, taste the strange tastes of the moist jungle air. That never happens in dreams. And the strangest part, I couldn’t even remember what was chasing me in the dream, or how I got into that situation. Hmm I thought, my life is really strange. I opened the door and left my room, heading for the kitchen. Once I arrived I could smell my mothers delicious oatmeal. “ I just made oatmeal, “ said my mother handing me a bowl. “ eat quickly, you need to get to work soon.” By the way” she added, “ here’s the news paper, there something in there I thought you might find interesting”. On the cover there was an article about a dead teenage girl found in the middle of a jungle out in the middle of nowhere. The strange part tho was that the body showed no sing of how the girl died. Weird I thought it reminded me of my dream. “ Hurry up Zaila you are going to be late for your first career auction” my mom said sounding very rushed, “lots to do to get ready”. Of course my mom is making such a huge deal out of this whole career thing that it annoys me. But I knew this would happen, it always does. Like when my brother Lucius was preparing for his career auction my mom was so stressed about everything that if you even spoke to her she would snap at you and tell you to go do something useful. I guess I couldn’t complain tho, this was a very important. “Ok mom I’m going to get ready no need to give yourself a heart attack” I replied as I headed for the washroom.

 I decided to put my long red hair in ringlets, my mom said it looked pretty that way. I dressed myself in my black dress and heeled shoes and headed for the front door grabbing my jacket on the way.”Oh your ready to go“ said my mom starting to tear up. “What’s wrong mom” I asked “why are you crying you should be happy, you wont have to waist your money feeding me anymore”. My mom gave a little laugh and said “ its just that you look so grown up and your finally going away, guess I’m on my own”. “ I wish your dad where still around” she said finally starting to cry again. “Come on” she said drying her tears, “ we don’t want to be late”. I headed for the door but my mom stopped me handing me and handed me a little statue of a bridge “this was your father’s lucky charm, I want you to have it so that you can make the right decisions in life” she said. “ Thanks” I murmured. My mom smiled and we headed out on our way to the auction.

Chapter two

Once there I stepped into the line along with my fellow friends and waited my turn to be auctioned. Thank you for coming to this years student auction” boomed the voice of the auctioneer. “This year we have eleven wonderful students to be auctioned, each with different exceptional talents”.” I hope they each find well paying jobs”.” Now let us begin”. The first personne stepped onto the stage, a tall  hadsome boy with light brown hair  he steped up as  as if on cue and I could tell he had been instructed to do so. “ Ok “ said the auctioneer ”this young man has a very good talent at fixing and building things he would be an exellent help in a in a factoror as a macanic. I heard a few people mumbling and a couple offers were tossed around but none very good. his time was almost up and the only offers he had recived was 3 years working at a ktchen aplience fatory, but it didnt pay anough,  2 years working underground on the pipes . and  3 years in a nuclear power plant. These offers were pathetic,now i was really not looking foward to my turn. If this kid couldent pull out some decent offers how the hell was i suposed to?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2012 ⏰

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