What Just Happened?

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Kirishima POV

A few weeks had passed since the incident at Bakugo's house. Even though all he did was hug Kirishima, he was still extremely embarrassed as he thought about it and what could have happened. He usually comes to school early and so did Bakugo. But one day Kirishima arrived at school and entered the classroom."Hey Baku....." He stood there with a stupid look on his face. Bakugo was there talking with Midoriya. All alone. Kirishima's hand got sweaty and he felt his heart drop. Of course he trusted Bakugo, but he couldn't help having a bad feeling. " Hey Kirishima." He said standing up pushing Midoriya away from him. Has he already gotten sick of me? Am I boring? His eyes started to fill up with tears from the terrible thoughts. " Hey what's wrong? You look like your about to start crying." He said in his husky yet soft voice, approaching him.  Kirishima started to internally panic. No.. wait... I'm still not good enough. At this point Midoriya left the room, just leaving the two of us alone.

Bakugo took my face into his hands and stared right into my eyes. I tried to look away bit it was impossible. " What's wrong?" "Nothing. Nothing at all." I said trying to keep a straight face and keep the sudden urge to cry.

Bakugo POV

He looks like he's going to start crying. I should do something.. but what? "Your lying there is something bugging you, what is it?" I looked at his face and my heart pounded. I leaned in and got closer to his face. He stared at me wide eyed and next thing I was kissing him. At first it was soft and light, Kirishima was making little noises. After a few minutes the kiss got deeper, our tongues intertwined and our mouths moving against each other. "N-no stop." Kirishima moaned.  I didn't answer him. He grabbed my upper arms and pushed me away." I can't handle this! Stop playing  around with me, my heart is going to burst!" The tears were rolling down his face like a tsunami. " I'm sorry but what are you taking about Kirishima?" I asked confused at the situation. " No! Don't come near me please. Please no more!" He ran toward the door and out the classroom. " Wait Kirishima!" I tried to call him but got no reply. What I'm the hell is going on here?


OK I am so so sorry about my absence I have been working and doing school work and watching anime so I only had time to write a bit. But I promise to wrote more in the future! Thanks for reading!

KIRISHIMA X BAKUGO-  SHIP SAILED!( SMUT INCLUDED)Where stories live. Discover now