This Side Of Paradise

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Tsuyu looked at her ceiling,lying on her bed with her arms and legs spread wide. Her sea-green hair sprawled out on her back. She sighed,for the fifth time,finally deciding that she cannot stay locked up in her own room with only her sad thoughts alone with her. She sat up on her bed slowly,swinging her legs by the left side of her bed. She sighed again,she looked at her cabinet with her nightshade bed lamp. She looked at her phone which was next to it,then turned towards her closet,contemplating whether she'll change into her nightgown or take a shower and take a walk. Tsuyu chose the latter and went straight to the showers. After that,she put on her white tank top and grey shorts. She wore a hoodie with a design of a frog  and she had her hair down into a braid.

 She wore a hoodie with a design of a frog  and she had her hair down into a braid

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(Author's note: Instead of a white t-shirt it's a white tank top and instead of pants,it's a short

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(Author's note: Instead of a white t-shirt it's a white tank top and instead of pants,it's a short. Arigatou,that'd be all!!<3)

After that,she took some of her extra money to take with her and took her house keys, cell phone and left,wearing her converse shoes. She took out her earphones from her hoodie and played one of her favorite songs,James Dean and Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping with Sirens,acoustic version. As she listened to her song,a cold breeze blew by making her shiver ever so slightly,thanks to her hoodie. She walked aimlessly until she came across a park which was one of her favorite places to go to. She walked inside and looked around,reminiscing about the time when she hung out with a boy the same age as her. She smiled at the thought when she saw him shocked someone was looking directly at him without hesitation. She remembered him telling her how no one wanted to hang out with him because of how he looks and how annoying his quirk was. But,she payed no mind to all of his insecurities about him and instead,became friends with him and shared each information of their quirks to each other. After that,they hung out more often until he moved out of town. They promised each other they would meet again in the future,even though it would be a long time to wait,they had patience. It was actually a happy memory about the two of them,but her troubled mind made her feel depressed. Tsuyu stopped walking after her song finished and paused it. She sighed and was about to walk towards a bench she saw when she heard a familiar voice,singing from somewhere. Her heart beat fast when she heard what the song was.

Ask me why my heart's inside my throat,I've never been in love I've been alone

She looked around for someone that was singing the song but she saw no one.

Feel like I've been living life asleep,Love's so strong it makes me feel so weak

She strained her ears to hear wherever the voice is and tried to locate it. 

Are you lonely? (Are you lonely?)

She suddenly started to move in the direction where she remembered hanging out with the boy.

Our fingers' dancing when they meet

As she moved closer to the place,she started reminiscing their memories while still listening to the voice singing.

You seem so lonely (Are you lonely?) I'll be the only dream you seek

So if you're lonely no need to show me,If you're lonely come be lonely with me

Lonely (Are you lonely?) Passion is crashing as we speak

You seem so lonely (Are you lonely?) You're the ground my feet won't reach

So if you're lonely,darling you're glowing,If you're lonely come be lonely with me

She stopped near the bushes to hear him sing some more while she tried to regain her normal breathing quietly.

Underneath the pale moonlight...Dreaming of a circus life...

Carousels and ferris heights...I'll be yours if you'll be mine...

'Cause I'm lonely,I'm so lonely,If you hold me,I'll be your only

Are you lonely? (Are you lonely?)

Our fingers' dancing when they meet,You seem so lonely (Are you lonely?)

I'll be the only dream you seek,So if you're lonely n need to show me

If you're lonely,come be lonely with me...

By the time she regained her breathing,he was almost near at the end of his song,so she decided to peek at him and discover who he was. And upon discovering the person just by their head,she was shocked to the point she almost tripped from the bush,but she regained her composure as to try  to listen to the last part of his song before revealing her self to him.

Are you lonely? Passion is crashing as we speak,You seem so lonely

You're the ground my feet won't reach,So if you're lonely

Darling you're glowing,If you're lonely come be lonely with me....

After the song,she stepped out of the bush she was hiding in and complimented him. "Nice song you chose to sing." The male was startled and shocked,not only because he was seen by a girl even though it's almost late at night but more on in the case that the girl standing in front of him was the girl he made a promise to that he'll come back. He slowly calmed down and replied," Tsuyu? Is that really you?" Tsuyu chuckled softly and said in response," Well,we're the only ones who are in this place at night,so yeah. I'm Tsuyu,the real one. *sniffs* And you k-kept y-your promise and I waited as I promised." Tsuyu started to cry softly,not because of sadness but because of the joy she's feeling at the time,probably because her childhood sweetheart is there. Fumikage,which was his name,smiled softly and stood up to embrace Tsuyu in the same way like before. "I got a feeling I'd be seeing someone special,but I didn't know it would be someone really special to show up." Tsuyu blushed on the compliment he handed to her and hit him on the chest playfully. "Even now,you're still making cheesy quotes and jokes. You never did change." She meant what she said,in a good way which didn't go unnoticed by Fumikage. "Well, I only get more cheesier when I'm with you,so don't worry about me telling the others all the things I've said to you." They both chuckled and sat down on the bench to catch up on the stuff they missed while they listened to their songs playing from Tsuyu's phone. After a while they became silent and instead enjoyed listening to the music and wind passing by. A familiar song got its turn to be played and they both smiled widely with their hands intertwined with each other. This side of paradise: a paradise they made up from the song and a paradise where they both enjoyed having each other again with the possibilities that they'll fall in love,at that time,at that moment. This side of paradise where you won't be lonely because you have,your one and only.

(Author's note: Thank you for some of the inspirations I got from your other stories dear other authors and thank you for reading this story of mine.♥♥)

Next up: This is home

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